Protector Pt 2 (B.S)

674 11 2

Warnings: Cursing

It had been a few months since you had started out your new life in Texas. The job at the slaughterhouse was actually going pretty well, the only thing that wasn't very enjoyable was a) Randal and his friends and b) the stains of blood you got on your clothes at times. Apart from that life was simple yet extremely enjoyable. The heat didn't bother you, the sun made for incredible dusks and dawns for you to paint. You had also developed a friendship with the Sawyers. Drayton had accepted your invite to help out or bring dinner at times, the old man seemed very polite and hospitable when he wasn't grumpy. Nubbins and Chop Top were quite the amusing bunch.

While you could jam out to great music with the veteran Chop Top and probably smoke a few illegal things, you could always count on his twin Nubbins to get you those pictures of the sky for reference when you wanted to paint. With those two it was always a very interesting time to be around. Chop Top would be the more 'chill' twin while Nubbins could probably run around naked showing off his road kill of the day. Then came the youngest of the Sawyers, Bubba. There was something different about him, not only was his physical appearance way different then his brothers but his overall person was different.

He was very shy around you, would get easily flustered and squeamish if you showed polite kindness to him. For a guy his size he was a real angel. If you ever needed anything, like help carrying something or a simple hug he was your guy. While his child-like innocence was completely adorable to you, others, especially in the slaughterhouse, looked at it like a thing to pick at. Poor Bubba didn't know how to properly talk so most of his speech was sluggish, not only that but he wasn't very school smart. While he could take down animals or fix a small car problem Bubs couldn't do a simple math equation to save his angelic life. The bullying due to his condition led him to drop out in 6th grade and start working for his family.

"Hey big guy" you smiled as you sat down in your normal spot for your lunch break. Bubba hummed a hello while he offered you some of his grapes. You took some and passed him one of your 2 cookies that you had baked the night before. The one you gave him however was a white chocolate one since you had discovered this boy liked very sweet stuff. He squealed in delight and carefully set it apart to enjoy it after he was done with his food. This was how it always went. You guys would share lunches and peacefully ate.

"Pass that cookie fat ass, you don't need more food in that mouth boy!" yelled Randal after you guys had finished and started eating dessert . He couldn't seem to give you guys a break since he always thought it was funny to pick on Bubba while you were around. One time he almost made Bubba cry. That day, Bubba had done a sudden movement with the meat and twisted his shoulder a bit, this led to you worrying about him. At lunch that day you had gone behind Bubba and worked on his knotted muscle to try and make it easier for him to work. While the pain did give out in the end Randal had made a comment on how a girl like you wouldn't date a "freak" like Bubba. This made you curse him out and bring Bubba out of the building to calm him down and hug him while whispering reassuring words on how he was a great guy.

Today you didn't want to be bothered by Randal. It was the last day before getting a full month break and it was also a half day, since the house needed some remodeling. When you first started working they were already raising pay to not lose money during this month of break. So without a beat you shoved a silver spoon at Randal. The loud bell that signaled for the day to end had rung at the same time and you grabbed your stuff and Bubba to get out. While Randal was screaming at you he couldn't get to either of you since all 83 workers rushed out to get to their homes. You and Bubba were one of the first to come out and you guys had swung your backpacks over your shoulders to wait for Drayton to come pick both of you up.

A few seconds later someone grabs your shoulder and pulls you backwards. "Who do you think you are, you little bitch" asked Randal as he and his buddies looked at you and Bubba menacingly. "Someone who won't deal with your bullshit Smith" you say as you slump your shoulders a bit to emphasize your height advantage to the pudgy man. Around 30 of the workers were already circling around both of you. Most had left you alone or just acted normally around you. They had respect for you and some even subtly told Randal to knock it off sometimes.

With one quick movement Randal Smith's hand came in contact with your cheek. And with that you decided you were really gonna let this pig know how to rumble................

HIIIIII so I must've been high on something because I could've sworn I posted this second part buuttttt I didn't here so here it is y'all. A little cliffhanger for PT 3 -Anyi

12/11/19 AV

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