Protector Pt 3 (NSFW)

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Warnings: SMUT cursing and violence ;)

And so it began. Randal had slapped you and you fought back. At this point you could probably have gotten arrested if there was some sort of police nearby. Randal had pinned you down and was throwing punch after punch and missing over half of them. You then managed to over power him and straddle him to maximize your hits. His friends were smarter than him and were holding Bubba back. Even though he normally wouldn't hurt a fly Bubba was definitely someone to beware of. It hurt to see him like this. He was now kneeling and crying, salty tears soaking the cloth that covered half of his face. He didn't like seeing you like this. Your brow had been busted and you'd surely have a few bruises tomorrow

Arriving at the front doors of the slaughter house Drayton heard the commotion once he stopped the car. He didn't get to see much but figured something was happening and it could either be really good or really bad. As he got closer he saw that around 7 men were holding a crying Bubba down. And as the old man neared the scene he heard what all the commotion was about. "You fucking bitch, doesn't someone beat you when you disrespect a man!" You both stood up hunching a bit. Randal would probably be shitting blood for the next few days and while your abdomen didn't hurt he hit your bladder which caused an uncomfortable desire to pee. "Why have someone beat me when I can hurt you Randal?" You painted ready for another round. That's when a gun shot was fired into the air. As the crowd of me dispersed and the other let Bubba go you could see a small man with khaki pants and a cream button up.


"Listen here boy, you best get going before I stick this gun so far up your ass you're gonna be spitting up bullets at night you hear!" Randal huffed and grabbed his backpack and turned to go into his truck that was waiting for him. Bubba wasn't crying anymore, he looked rather pissed off and upset about the whole scenario that you went through. He scrambled up to you and started checking for any other bleeding that wasn't your brow. You laughed and said, "Don't worry big buy, just scratches that's all". You shrugged and laughed a bit. "Come on now, we best get going and have you cleaned up" Drayton said as he hurried both of you into the truck.

When you got to the Sawyer home Drayton announced that he and Nubbins were going to the shop and probably not coming back until dinner time. As he left Bubba whined to get you upstairs so that he could check you.

Sitting on the soft bed Bubba helped you take off your apron so that he could better check your damage. There really was only 3 bruises and the busted brow, but other than that you managed to be cleaned up in 15 minutes. Once he finished running warm water on your bruises and peroxide of your small cut Bubba looked up at you. He had not noticed how your hand was on the back of his neck playing with the long strands of hair that fell from his head. "Thank you Bubby, you're always so good to me" you whispered bringing your other arm to wrap around his neck. "Can I give you a reward?" you asked the very flustered 29 year old in front of you. He nodded and blushed hard. You 3took that, and leaned in close to him, taking off the pesky cloth that covered those plump pink lips of his.

"It's okay" you reassured him as you closed the gap between the two of you. The kiss was sweet, and once Bubba joined in a bit clumsy but none the less enjoyable. This went on and you found yourself below Bubba taking off his shirt.

Once you were both down to your undergarments you sat up. You unhooked your bra and let your young, soft, perky breasts bounce in front of the man in front of you. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him. The mounds of flesh looked rather soft and delicate, so that's how he treated them. His rough large hands came up and cupped them softly into his warmth. With a small nod from you. Bubba dipped his head down and helped his waiting mouth to your pretty little nipples. He gently sucked on them awaiting for a familiar white substance to come out of them, but frowned when he tasted nothing but squishy flesh. "Bubba I'm afraid i'm not able to make milk unless I get pregnant" you giggled softly. Bubba shrugged and went to give your other mound the same attention as the first one.

With soft pleasure coming from your chest you reached down to bring out Bubba Junior. Bubba gasped once he felt your warm hand reaching into his underwear to retrieve his girth. You laid him down as you worked to get the last clothing item off of him. His dick sprang up as it was released from the confined space. He wasn't larger, mostly average but boy was he thick. The caramel colored skin was bulky and soft. He was near rock hard but still had that beautiful flesh moving along your hand as you jerked him off. Once you went to cup his balls you gasped. How heavy and soft they felt. You could just imagine suckling on them as your hands worked Bubba to his climax.

So you didn't hold back, past his pubes and perfect cock you delved into the amazing ball sack of Bubba. You sucked one before moving to the other one, until you managed to fit both into your mouth. But there was only so much Bubba could take and you felt the throbbing of his cock against your hand. Quickly you straddled his glorious hips and sunk down onto his erect shaft.

You both moaned as his hands came up to your jiggling breasts. Getting used to his size was a bit difficult but with the help of your slick pussy you managed to start bouncing on his dick. Euphoria spread through your body with a warm pleasure as Bubba started hitting places deep deep inside of you. You moaned and screamed his name as you let go of your senses to please yourself and Bubba. The man beneath you grunted as his hips started snapping into yours to bring even more profanities out of your sweet mouth. "Bubba! God Bubba you're so good!" you yelled as you neared your climax.

With a grunt of pleasure you let your muscles spasm and take over your body. You stifled your body against Bubba's as you felt the warm strings of thick white cum enter your body. The walls of your sex were coated with amazingly warm cum provided to you by Bubba, and your sweaty body collapsed on his. He wrapped his strong bulky arms around you and you lay your head on his hairy chest. "I love you very much Bubba" you said as you looked up at the eyes of the tired boy above you. With a small whine Bubba cuddled deeper with you and lulled both of you to sleep..

There it is! Not only did you beat Randal up but you got some good time with ol Bub's. First writing piece of 2020!!


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