Comforting Eric Draven.

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I don't understand why there's barely any Eric Draven x reader in the inter-webs

He comforts you

If you come home from work you'll usually not want to do anything because of the upsetting day.
Eric will quickly take notice, he knows you're not the serious one in the relationship and will come sit down with you until you tell him exactly what has his love upset
Shelly was his first love but that doesn't mean he can't have another. He will do anything in his power to make you happy, he understands what it means to treasure the time you have with someone.
If you want to talk about it, he'll gladly let you rant about anything, or if you just have to get something off your chest, he'll listen.
Afterwards there will probably be some cuddling, Most likely you bundled up around him as he rubs your back and kisses your forehead from time to time
Sometimes he will grab his guitar and play something soft for you.
If he has an acoustic that's even better since it's less loud or rough than his usual electric. Will play anything you want to hear in the moment.
Later in the night he will hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear
The next day you will probably be much more content than you were the previous evening, you fell asleep to the sound of Eric's smooth voice and the lulling of the rain outside.

You comfort him

If Eric is upset you will know right away
sure he's usually in a kind of serious face but his upset face will crease his smooth complexion and will leave deep marks in his makeup that was already slightly smudged from the rainWhat you do if he's not ready to talk about is lay him on your lap and play with his hair. Eric secretly loves getting his hair played withHe loves the feeling of your small fingers running thru the long black strands of hair he has on his head.Sometimes you'll hum a song to him if he came home more agitated than usual.Back scratches are also very welcomed.After spending raining nights out there with wet leather and a thin shirt Eric undresses and cuddles with you or lays is head on your chest.This allows you to rub his shoulders or scratch his back and even play with his hair on the back of his neck.No matter what you both always have each others back because after all It can't rain all the time

11/15/19 AV (Original Date, Posted On Tumblr)

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