Joker (Phoenix) x Male

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Warnings: None?

Requested: ​

The story of how you both met was quite the tale

After running away from the douchebags at the station Arthur had bumped into you.

It was weird but after some talking you decided to make the best and worst decision of your life.

You weren't very rich but you fit right into Arthur's life.

Soon after you met both of you guys fell into some deep shit.

You never minded his weird antics hallucinations or weird episodes of laughter.

You helped each other out

While Arthur was very self conscious about his laughter you always found something to pick at in your appearance.

He made sure to always remind you that he liked the way your curves were about wider and that you were beautiful just the way you are.

You were also self conscious about his neighbor. But he never made you feel like he would leave you for her.

But at night all bets were off.

You could walk around and do crazy stuff while Arthur was watching you with a smile on his features.

You were real and you loved him for him.

He was always grateful that you stuck with him through everything.

And I mean everything.

Yo sorry for not responding to this stuff sooner. Tbh I've been so busy lately because I have a lot on my plate. Shit I be coming home late asf and stuff. Any who this was a request that was given to me a few weeks ago i think. - Anyi

2/9/20 AV

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