Protector Pt 1 (B.S)

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Warnings: Some harassment. BTW sorry if any of the fostering info here is wrong it's just for the fic.

You never really thought about what it would be like to completely lose everything yet gain a lot at the same time. For many years you jumped from foster house to another never really finding a home to fit into. That is until the Smith's adopted you. They were an elderly couple who wanted a humble heir. For 13 years they took care of you and made sure everyone knew how proud they were of their daughter. But the summer of your high school graduation they were killed by a car accident. This left you all alone in the world with a fortune that didn't replace the warmth Mama Smith brought to you. And nothing replaced the smiles of a kid from the jokes of Papa Smith

And that's how you found yourself in Texas. You wanted to live somewhere far away from the city. Somewhere you could work even though you didn't need to, somewhere to make a fresh new start. So you packed up your things and bought a small house in the middle of nowhere. The only neighbors you had were a group of 4 men, The Sawyers. There was Drayton, an elderly man in his 50′s, Chop Top and Nubbins twins who were quite the hassle but still nonetheless very fun, and Bubba. From what you could gather he was very shy and never really came out, he worked at the slaughterhouse where you had also found employment. Yes, a wealthy girl working at a slaughterhouse. This wasn't however a job you were jumping into cuz you wanted to be Dora the Explorer. In your teenage years you had worked in a supermarket where, as the meat wrapper. You wrapped anything from sliced ham to a piece of cow tongue. Around your academy you had quite the reputation. Not only were you the only person there with a punk look to you, tattoos, hair dye and leather jackets. You also were the only non spoiled little brat who actually had a job. This made you a teacher favorite.

Anyways, going back to Texas, it was your first day at the slaughterhouse. You had prepared yourself in attire that you knew was the uniform and got into your truck. On your way out you saw Drayton who even though was always very cranky was polite to say 'morning" at 6 am. That's when you first saw Bubba. He always wore a cloth or mask over his face covering his nose down. You later learned it was because he has a skin disease that the 29 year old had, had since birth.

On your way in you got stopped by a big burly man. He wasn't tall but fat, and that made him big. "Where ya goin sweet cheeks?" he asked snickering at your presence. "Work idiot get out of my way" you said, almost every guy was just meaty but not very tall, you however were at least 3 inches taller than these average 5′5 guys. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do if I don't let ya in?" By this time Drayton had already arrived to drop Bubba off when he looked over at what was happening with the girl he was now neighbors with. With a sudden move you shoved the guy out of the way, making him fall to the floor where he landed with a thud. You walked in just as 6:55 am hit the clock enough time to punch in and go to your station which would be: Slicing up the cows and pigs.

After Tony, a pretty chill guy, Killed the animals you would slice up the gut area for Bubba to gut them.

It was now lunch and even though some guys didn't pay you any attention, most would catch you or whistle at you. After scanning the lunch room area you decided to try your luck with Bubba Sawyer. He was sitting all alone in a table near the back of the room, with food that looked like grilled cheese and chili soup. You walked up to his table ignoring Randal, inviting you over to 'sit' at their table. After flipping the bird behind you, you stopped at the end of the table.

"Hey, Bubba um- I was wondering if ya know, i could um- sit with you. I just....don't really have many options." you say nervously. Bubba was the biggest guy in the slaughterhouse, maybe what you read as shyness was actually just him keeping to himself.

Bubba's P.O.V

What was this? The pretty girl from next door wants to sit with me? Bubba thought. No way I'm dreaming. Wait! No! I'm not dreaming. Come on Bubba! Say something you idiot. Oh wait, that's right you can't talk! Ugh fine okay okay just play it cool Bubs play it cool.

Back to your P.O.V

With a nod and a gesture Bubba accepted your request looking quite flustered if you may say so yourself. As you sat down you heard your name being called.

"Hey, sweetheart, why are you sitting with that retard!? You'll catch something. Come here baby, we'll show you a good time" Randal said, laughing with his pig friends who seem to think such childish behavior was appropriate for a man such his age. "How about you start acting like a damn adult Randal, maybe your wife won't be going out so much if you give her a good time instead of finishing in 15 seconds. At least Bubba can carry a damn wheat sack you moron!" you said as the whole room burst out laughing at your come back. You smirked and went back to your alfredo pasta as Bubba slumped his shoulder in a small giggle. " That's a very adorable giggle you got their big buy" you said looking up at the mountain man with a sincere smile on your face. You didn't know then, but those two simple gestures bloomed something in Bubba that would never go away.

11/20/19 AV

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