Pastries (Vincent Sinclair)

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This is a Vincent x Male!Reader

Plot: Male reader brings Vinny pastries when he's painting (Reader's P.O.V)

Soft boi will swoon

Seriously these guys have been isolated for a long while and victims that have passed by Ambrose are nice to Bo but no one really knows about Vinny 

fact Vincent almost killed you when you first met one on one but decided on against it as long as you'd be his muse

Over time both of you developed feelings for each other and well things bloomed!


The first time you ever brought something down to where he was working was a Sunday

Vincent had spent the whole day drawing and painting that he hadn't come up to eat breakfast or lunch.

So you brought a few cookies down for him to munch on while working

He almost cried...

Vincent pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head before turning back to work and leaving you with a big smile on your face. 

Ever since then you started bringing stuff down for him more often.

It went from cookies to cupcakes to slices of cakes. You found out however that Vinny has a soft spot for crepe cakes.

But the pastries didn't stop at sweetness.

Having someone who can actually use a stove you'd sometimes bake chicken pot pie or some savory potato dish.

And Vincent loved it 

He carefully tasted every snack that you brought down for himHe admired the work you put into icing cookies on sugar cookies or the intricate design on the top of the wild berry pie. 

Eventually around the Holidays you could bring Vin in to ice some cookies.

To say he was good was an understatement. But he never thought he was good as you.

Hell even Bo and Lester thought your cooking was pretty damn good 'for a man" as they liked to say.Over all the small edible gifts were a big hit with Vincent.

I really enjoyed making this small writing piece I don't think Vincent get's enough love.

12/28/19 AV (OG, Posted on Tumblr)

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