In the Dark (Eric Draven x Reader)

991 10 4

Warnings: Self harm

Word Count: 1.7k

Requested by: ericdravensbabymama on tumblr 

What happens when you can't keep them at bay any longer? When your demons won't have mercy on you and relentlessly attack you. I can't escape it, no matter how much I try I can't even get out of the dark zone. And it's even worse when I'm alone, no one to hold on to, no one to wrap their arms around me and tell me that it's all okay, that i'm safe. I haven't seen Eric in almost 2 weeks. Too busy saving this little town from the infestation of criminals it's got.

Lately, I haven't been the only one scared. Ever since Top Dollar died more and more criminals have infiltrated this little corner of the earth. Fires start up at any time of the day. Gang members wheeled into the ER fighting for their lives. The more activity there is the less you see of your beloved Eric. Always running around trying to save the innocent while punishing the ones that spread evil. Rooting that same fear into it's distributors. Timing couldn't have been worse.

Every day you were waking up still tired with bags under your eyes and a pale look to your face. You had nightmares, horrible night terrors that plagued your mind every time you closed your eyelids to get some rest. Your deepest insecurities would come out at night and pick a fight with you. Often you found yourself crying in despair, hoping something or someone would come and help you out of it. You were stuck in the dark, slowly diminishing to a shell of a woman. And it was noticeable.

Your figure was representing all the troubles you were going through. Your face was slack and had a color that would've suggested you were incredibly sick. You eyes didn't have that little spark of life they used to have and the hair on your head was almost always put up in a messy bun. You kept wearing baggy clothes to hide what you were really feeling. Hiding behind the saggy sweats and rather large sweatshirts. What you would do to keep them from hurting you, to be strong enough to not let it into your head, to manifest it so physically.

But you weren't strong. Especially not with Eric gone. Eric, the only thought that could soothe you in these times. The way he made himself to be so intimidating yet you knew exactly what he was like. Kind hearted, sweet and caring. Funny and charismatic were only a few words you could use to describe him. With his long black curls and perfect smile, he was the only thing keeping you going, the only thing that brought joy to that little heart of yours. But how could he not? He was perfect.

Everything about him was perfect. Even the way he fell asleep with you in his arms and the way he would wake up looking like a gift from heaven. The way he made your heart flutter even if he was just tying his shoe lace. Eric was perfect, too good for you, and he shouldn't have to settle for less.

These thoughts ran through your mind as you walked to the shower. Turning on the water you let it warm up as you stripped of your clothing. Throwing it with the other dirty laundry you walked up to the small mirror in the corner of the small room. Judgemental eyes welcomed you as you stared at the reflection in front of you. Your thighs had small marks on them, evidence of what you had done to yourself in the past, evidence of what you were doing just 2 nights ago. You ran your hand over them pressing on them to see if they would hurt even the slightest bit. They did, especially the one what you had reopened last night while crying your eyes out.

Stepping into the shower you closed the curtain behind you, shielding your now naked body front the crisp cold temperatures of the night. In Sync with the shower head, the rain outside had started pouring, drenching anything and everything out at night with it's cold droplets of water. But while the night seemed peaceful your mind wasn't.

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