Thomas Hewitt Smut

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Warnings: NSFW, some fluff,

You have been living with the Hewitts for a while now. 2 weeks to be exact. Their cannibalistic ways were surprisingly not as grotesque as you would have liked it to be. You couldn't help but feel bad for the victims that you ate or cooked at dinner. OH yeah! In exchange for letting you live Mama decided you could help her in the kitchen. You were a quick chopper and your tastebuds came in handy if old Luda couldn't taste something. Everything was quite all right in your new life. Welllllllll........almost

Your only problem was Luda's son, your voucher Thomas, or Tommy for short. You both developed a quick bond and it didn't go unnoticed. Monty and Hoyt didn't bother you much. The problem came when you started to sleep in the same room as Tommy, since he was the one who pleaded for you to live, you felt safer around him. But now it only bothered you. And not for the reason that he had a skin condition, more about his presence overall. Every night you couldn't help but think what those big meaty hands could do to you, how he could take you against anything and make you scream out his name. You couldn't help it either. After a few days Tommy grew trusting of you and went back to sleeping without a shirt. That was your death, every night when he came to the room you would pretend to be sleeping, just so you could catch a glimpse of his firm chest or bountiful belly. The muscles in his back did something to you whenever they flexed, and you always thought about holding onto his bicep as he pounded into you.

That's how you found yourself in this situation. Seated on Thomas' lap making out in the middle of the night. He had come back from chasing away a few teens and was taking his clothes off as soon as he came into the room. What he found there was something he could never forget.

You were sprawled out on the bed. Completely naked and legs spread open. You were moaning Tommy's name and didn't have time to register anything before he turned the lights off, picked you up, and smashed his lips against yours. His rough hands explored your smooth skin gripping at your curves and squeezing your breast. You moaned out as your small hands wandered over his chest. Soft yet firm and slightly hairy. This was all you ever wanted. To be dominated by Tommy, your arousal dripping onto his thighs.

You pulled apart to catch your breath as your hips started moving on top of his bulging cock. He groaned deeply as his hands played with your perky breast and his face found home in your neck. He had too many layers on, you made quick work of his belt and pants leaving him in his white boxers. Thomas sighed as his length was set free from it's confinement. You started stroking up and down, stopping at the base to squeeze his cock. You laid Tommy down and went to give him what he deserves. Your tongue licked at his hard shaft tasting the pre cum he had going on.

Tommy couldn't handle more than mere minutes as he sat up and positioned his dick at your wet slippery entrance. "Please Tommy" was all it took for him to ease his way into your warm tight inviting heat.

It was unlike anything he ever felt. You were so warm around him, tight and your wetness just made it even better. You swollen throbbing clit begged for his thick fingers to play with it and so he did. Your moans were music to his ears. You both tried not being as loud and just making noises in each other's ears. Tommy loved this. No one in the world could hear what he was listening to, his Y/N moaning out in the pleasure that his body brought to the young woman. The pants that came when she didn't feel like screaming out his name and letting all Texas know how good it felt to have him buried deep within her tight walls, thrusting at an incredible pace.

Tommy felt your hands go from gripping his shoulders down his back. He felt them stop at his ass, giving it a firm squeeze. Even tho the moment was completely erotic this made Tommy blush and go even faster than before. This caused you to arch your back to him giving him a great view of your bouncing breast.

With a loud moan and an erotic pose, you felt the building in your stomach release. This was something totally different to him. He felt as your walls constricted on his fat cock, he felt the rush of warmth that came with your orgasm coating his shaft. He also felt his own release. He felt his dick throb incredibly and his balls tighten. He felt as his hotspurs of thick white cum entered your insides and thickly coated your walls. He couldn't' stay up by his own strength any more. Tommy let himself go as he plopped down next to you.

He felt your arms wrap around his neck and your legs go around his waist. You nuzzled your face to his warm neck and whispered, "I love you so much Tommy Hewitt". This made his chest swell with pride, adoration and affection. He would never be deserving of you, but as long as you stayed with him, he would always welcome your caring love. He squeezed your body to him and kissed your forehead once more before letting sleep consume his happy dreams of a future family with you.

11/17/19 AV

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