Lustful Luring (Pennywise x Male!Reader Smut)

1.6K 17 1

Warnings: SMUT

Requested By: Anon

Word Count: 1.4k

Life as a single man was rather lonely in the town of Derry Maine. Not everyone was used to homosexuals either so you always kept a low profile, your night job always helping with that. But with no partner also came other struggles. It had been months since you had any sexual activity other than your hand. You remembered it exactly, it wasn't the most convenient fuck ever but it did justice. You had been given the night off, it was a hot summer night when you went to the bar to get a beer or two, and that's when you saw a rather good looking gentleman. It didn't take much sweet talking to get you to come back to his home, drunk and so very horny.

You remembered how good it had felt to finally be able to experience some sort of sex. It was rough and lasted for a very long time, he slapped you around and took you in very pleasing ways. However a little rude awakening took you by surprise. The next morning, to ensure you wouldn't talk about the encounter you were face fucked harshly, almost barfing at how rough he was with you before throwing you on the floor and telling you to get dressed and leave. You didn't mind though, his dominance and way of fucking fueled your dirty dreams for weeks on end, until it was nothing but a weak memory that didn't do the job anymore.

Lately you have been struggling with keeping it in your pants. You had even considered sleeping with one of the rather many night women in Derry, but you knew that wouldn't actually satisfy you, you didn't want to dominate, you wanted to be dominated. Every night you furiously fingered yourself, trying to get those spots that had you feeling like you were going to pass out at any moment. But to no avail, you couldn't exactly satisfy yourself, which only fueled your craving for a deep hard cock inside of you.

However, so much self pleasing had created a certain smell that had attracted some peculiar attention to you. Inside the sewer in front of the small shop you worked at was a being that had caught on to your frustrations.

Pennywise noticed you but never actually took interest in you before that one day. The lustful scent was following you everywhere, and it made Pennywise want to fuck you so hard to the point where you wouldn't even be able to talk from all the screaming you'd do. He stalked you everywhere, and had even broken into your home a few times to secretly watch you moan out as you sunk your fingers deep inside your tight hole. He could tell every time you whined at how desperate you were. You just weren't enough to satisfy yourself alone, you needed so much more, And Pennywise could give you that more.

It was a warm but windy night when you closed the shop early. A huge storm was headed towards Derry and the owner had called you, making sure to close the shop and go home before the storm hit. Walking with the windy weather was hard at times. Small whisps went into your eyes and your jacket flew everywhere as you tried to keep it close to your frame. However the wind just served to really dig your own grave.

It carried your scent all around and was easy for Pennywise to catch on and see if you were close. You were, you were very close and tonight would be the perfect setting to take you. So with that Pennywise tapped into you, making you hear lewd moans and think about the dirtiest things a human would ever imagine. He made your lust deeper than it had ever been, and made you truly horny.

Following the sounds your mind made you hear you ended up going into the sewers, too blind by the need to be fucked to care if the sounds were actually really or not. You didn't even care about where you were headed at this point. All you knew was that inside these sewers was waiting, something so grand you'd be satisfied for the rest of your life. The sound of water hit your ears but the smell of popcorn and cotton candy hit your nose. It was like a circus, full of light sweet smells all around. You didn't even register the ominous figure that stood behind you, taking a deep whiff of your scent. With a sneer the creature spoke.

"Hi there."

Slamming you into the wall the clown felt your body up as you started to whimper. Who was this creature? Why were they down in the sewers with the murky water. How did you even end up in this situation. And why did his touch feel so good?

"Oh my dear Y/N, you've become such a lustful human, I thought I'd grant you the wish of taking care of your necessities. It's clear you could use a little bit of assistance from ol' Pennywise!" he giggled before ripping your pants off of you, followed by your jacket and long sleeve shirt. The cold air hit your nipples making them harden. Pennywise took notice of this and giggled as he started fumbling with the small nubs that were now tiny peaks on your chest. "Look at them! So fun to play with" He said before letting his tongue flick the small nubs, causing you to moan out. How did he even manage to make this feel so amazing?

Pennywise took hold of your throat before ripping his pants and taking out a monstrous cock. It was pale, just like him and could look normal if it wasn't for its huge length. Easily nine to eleven inches and thick from the base to the tip, his cock made you drool. The tip was a light pink and already quite sloberry, pre cum covered it whole and even dripped a little to his shaft.

"Please" you panted pushing your backside into him. He giggled again before taunting you and pushing it against your ball sack. You whimpered as he kept playing with your sack but not giving you the attention you craved so much. Squeezing your neck he kept you in place as he let his huge wet cock explore your ass, and even slapping it against your cheeks a few times to make you jump.

"Ready?" he asked before watching you nod and moan out as he pushed his tip inside. It stung, as he went deeper and deeper inside your asshole. But goddamn did it feel good. He was so big but knew just how to guide his dick to drive deep inside of you. You couldn't help but scream out once he hit that special spot inside of you and drove deeper into it. Pennywise picked up a fierce pace as he started fucking you like a wild animal against the wall.

Your face and chest were pressed against the concrete wall but none of that could top how good you felt right now. Pennywise could feel just how much you loved this, how your hole just clenched around him every time he reached a certain spot, and how you pushed against him wanting even more. He pushed your shoulders down, wanting that perfect angle to fuck you hard and fast, making sure to make you feel every single inch of his cock. He loved the sounds that you let out when you were used like a fuck toy, at the clown's disposal.

"I'm so close!" you yelled out, moaning as the clutching of your throat was tightened by the clown who was ravishing your whole world. The burning in your stomach grew more by the second, the feeling of his animalistic grunts and rabid thrusting too much for your body, weak from the amount of pleasure it was receiving. Suddenly you felt his other hand leave your hip and dip down to grab a hold of your rock hard cock. Swiftly stimulating your dick and rubbing your tip all over, the clown commanded, "Cum" deeply.

A throat ripping scream came from your mouth as you shot your semen all over the walls of the sewer. You felt the clown roar and cum deep inside of you, completely covering your walls with thick white tasty cum.

Your body fell limp as he picked you up, and teleported down to his nest. He laid your passed out form in his nest before patting your head. "You did so good my little human. Rest up, we have much more to experience!" he giggled darkly, "Oh yes we do!"

I have not written a Pennywise smut in such a long while! Thank you for requesting my dear anon, I hope you enjoy this piece.


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