Eric Draven A Warm Welcome

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Living with Eric and adjusting to him being there wasn't the easiest. When he went out to patrol the city he would sometimes come back with an injury, big or small. Protecting this place wasn't an easy job. Some street thugs still believed in the Devil's Night and would light fires up in the "name of Top Dollar". They would try to copy Eric's crow outline the night he came back, to spell things out, but always ended up making a giant fire since they didn't have enough skill to actually spell things out. This would result in at least 1 gang member in the hospital each week. Another thing would be living out your normal life. You had bills to pay and food to eat so you had to at least work a full shift.

Tonight was a particularly rough night for Eric. There were many people out and he had to chase down a group of 7 people to be able to lead them to the police. They had set fire to a church and a large tree in the central park where kids usually went to play in the afternoon. So when he came home at 4:30 am all worked up and sweaty you didn't hesitate to shove him in the shower and prepare a nice comfy bed for him when he came back out.

When he did however you noticed his face looked sagged and though you tried not to, you couldn't stop checking him out. He had come out the shower all fresh and clean, hair was slightly damp but nothing too 'drippy'. His physique was also something for sore eyes. His 6 pack was starting to become prominent in his lanky form, and his biceps were getting more and more toned by the day. And just as you nearly stripped him with your eyes, an idea popped into your head.

You stood up and walked over to where he was putting on a pair of loose pj pants that you had bought him. You grabbed the piece of clothing from his hands and dropped it to the floor. Eric gave you a confused look but followed you when you took his hand and led him to the bed you two shared. When you settled him in the middle of the space you climbed onto his lap and held the back of his head. There was an intense stare that you both shared as you combed through his nearly dried strands of hair.

Not wanting to tire him more you kissed his forehead before slowly leaning away from him. You looked at him dead in the eye as you took off your small nightgown and exposed the soft skin of your body to him. His eyes held a lot of adoration as you slowly took off your flimsy night bra, letting the soft, squishy mounds of your breasts spill out of the restriction.

You then proceeded to grab his hands that were situated at your hips and slowly bring them to your boobs. He took the message and stroked softly over your mounds as you leaned back to give him some space. Eric took one of his arms to your back as the other one helped him slowly kiss and suck on the skin around your nipples. The arousal between both of your legs kept growing as you both became more intimate.

But, he didn't stop there. Eric took hold of your side as he went up to kiss your collarbone, then your neck until he got to the sweet taste of your lips. They were intoxicating to him. You always tasted of watermelon lip balm or oranges. They were soft and full to him and the sweetness of your romantic times made it even better. He slowly started taking off your panties, feeling a bit of your juices stain his long nimble fingers. Eric always felt as if he was the luckiest man alive with you. He believed Shelly's love and companionship was a good start for the way he would be for you. When he was given a second chance to grow old with someone he truly loved.

As all these thoughts left his mind he could feel his hardened shaft being pressed into your tight, warm heat. He always found it amazing how you could just warm his whole body up by taking him into your walls. The pleasure you both felt was a deep shock since you hadn't been together like this for some time. This caused both of you to have to stop for a second, while Eric needed to calm himself to be able to last enough to cum with you, you needed to get used to being so fully and stuffed of his manhood.

Once you both managed to calm down a bit, you started moving your hips to rotate against his. You never fail to be amazed at just how good Eric felt inside of you. He stretched you out and filled you to deep places that could bring the utmost pleasure to your heated body. You always felt on cloud nine whenever you and him could have sex. Most of the time sex was just like this. A steady rhythm was set for both of you to maintain. A romantic pace that was never really rushed, the only reason it would be was to reach that ecstasy filled peak. But other than that you and Eric had a very loving private time.

There was a burning in the pit of your stomach. As you bounced on Eric's cock his skilled fingers managed to find that little pleasure nub that would have you moaning out his name. He worked it so nicely, rubbing it in just the right way to have you hot and bothered. He'd occasionally pinch or add pressure to it to intensify the pleasure that you received. Because that's what got HIM off. Watching as you bounced on his lap, your boobs bouncing and taunting him in the face, the way you arched your back to have him reach deeper places inside your body.

What got him off was having his hands against your cute bum and watching as you let him do the most lewd things to your body. To let him taste you and touch every curve and imperfection that made him love you even more. And that's exactly what you were doing. Your body had the thinnest layer of sweat adorning it. Your volume wasn't very loud but your plump lips were right next to his ear, making him listen to everything that he did to you, how he made you feel when his cock rammed into that tight, wet slit of yours.

And, with one last thrust of his hips your walls clenched around him, soaking his shaft with your cum. Eric, groaned out before burying his face in your neck and shooting his load deep inside of you. The room was dark and warm. Your body is sticky but satisfied. Nothing could make this moment better than it already was. And as Eric fell asleep next to your naked body, wrapped up in your arms. He couldn't be more thankful for such a wonderful woman.

1/9/20 AV

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