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Though your father was skeptical with the decision he agreed to allowing you to apply and later attend UA High. By all rights you shouldn't have passed the entrance exams but you had an exceedingly high number of rescue points thanks to your quirk.

You hadn't scored a single combat point. But that didn't stop you from running in full force and healing your fellow examinees when they had bruises or large scrapes even simple scratches.

It was for that reason alone that you now stood before the monumental building that would be your school for the next three years. Gripping the strap of your book bag more firmly you started towards the building again when you heard familiar voices.

That's the kid that broke most of his limbs fighting one villain. You remembered as you changed course, heading towards him and Uraraka.

"Sorry to interrupt," you began when you reached them. "You were out cold last I saw you at the examination. Did everything heal okay? You aren't having any residual pains are you?"

"Oh, uh, no!" The green haired boy smiled. "Thanks! Everything feels great!"

"Izuku, this is Y/N," Uraraka introduces you. "Y/N this is Izuku Midoriya. Y/N and I have known each other since we were kids!"

"Pleased to officially meet you, Midoriya," you smiled and held your hand out to him. He shook it and you were pleased to feel that he was indeed completely okay after everything he'd been through at the examination.

"You too!" He chirped. "What's your quirk again?"

Your smile faltered some. "Healing. Similar to Recovery Girl's quirk except that I'm the one that loses stamina wh-"

You were shoved from behind. "Step aside extra," a voice huffed.

"Kacchan," Midoriya chided.


You frowned at the retreating back. Physical he's fine. But there's something else there. "Don't listen to him, Y/N," Midoriya smiled again. Admittedly it was a contagious smile. "He's been like that since his quirk developed."

"Interesting," you mused. "Say, what class are you guys in?"

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?" The angry voice met your ears when you entered classroom 1-A with Uraraka and Midoriya a few minutes later.

"Is this not the petting zoo?" You shot back without missing a beat, a sarcastic grin plastered on your face. "Waiting for class to start, what the hell do you think we're doing?"

Without waiting for a reply you slid into the empty desk beside a two toned haired boy. "Hi," you smiled.

"Hello," the boy deadpanned.

"I'm Y/N."

"Shoto Todoroki."

"You aren't much of a talker, are you?" You continued to smile.

"Will you shut up?" The angry blonde growled.

"Hey, hedgehog," you glared down the row at the hair that spiked in every direction. "I'm not talking to you, back off."

"Y/N!" Midoriya squeaked.

"What?" You replied innocently.

"Be careful."

"Oh, please," you scoffed, waving a dismissive hand. "I've seen the tough guy act before. He just needs to be knocked down a peg or two."

A figure in all black walked in and stood before the class. "Be seated," he told everyone. "My name is Shota Aizawa, I'll be your home room teacher. Get changed into your gym outfits and meet at the sports field outside we've got testing to do."

You walked with Uraraka from the locker room to the field. "I hope it's not all quirk based testing," you admitted to her softly. "How do you test healing anyway?"

"I'm sure you'll be great, Y/N," she told you. She always saw the bright side of things and though it lessened the doubt building in your gut you still worried as the rest of your class gathered.

"Hey ladies," the redhead that sat in front of you sauntered up, followed closely by a blonde.

"Hey guys," you glanced around taking note that only a couple more people still needed to show. "Ready for the testing?"

"Sure am!" They said in unison. You chuckled at that and nodded.

"Kirishima and Kaminari, right?" You pointed at each respectfully.

"Right!" Kaminari smiled. "And you're the healer."

"Y/N," you corrected. "But yes, healing is my quirk. Oh, Uraraka, there's Tsu," you pulled the shorter girl after you to where Tsu was standing.

"Watch it extra."

"Oh, someone step on your toes hedgehog?" You gave Bakugo a mocking frown, jutting your bottom lip out for emphasis. "What a shame."


"That's enough," Aizawa called you all to attention. "We'll be testing you on your quirk control and a few other things today," he explained. "And when that's all finished if you're the lowest ranked in the class you'll face immediate expulsion."

Murmurs met your ears as you gulped down the fear that bubbled in the pit of your stomach. You glanced at Uraraka nervously. Her smile was reassuring, but you could see her own panic stewing.

While you didn't do horrible you didn't do the best either. Sweating and tired you moved through your group of peers healing those who needed it, leaving Midoriya for last knowing he'd need a little more attention even after the quick fix up you'd given his finger after the first test.

"Hedgehog," you stood before the angry blonde.

"What do you want extra?" He glared down at you.

"Just making sure you don't need a pick me up." You held up a hand, blue/green mist swirled around it. "Got any aches or sore muscles? Scratches? Burns?"

"I'm fine, go away."

"Suite yourself. Midoriya," you turned to him. "Let me see that finger."

"Listen up," Aizawa pulled your attention from taking the bandages from Midoriya's finger. There was a projection of scores before you now. You scanned it as Aizawa spoke. Your heart sank. Second to last. Just above Midoriya.

"I was kidding about the expulsion by the way, none of you are going home."

Midoriya burst into tears immediately, causing you to jump. "Crap man," you brushed it off with a chuckle. "You didn't figure out it was just to get us to work harder?" Though you had figured it out quickly it still stung to be positioned so slow.

You let the boy work through his emotions as you finished healing the last of his finger, blinking as your vision blurred slightly. A sign you were beginning to overuse your quirk.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now