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It was the pain that woke you from a slumber you remembered little of. Your nose was pounding in time with your heartbeat. With a groan you sat up and held your head.

"Finally!" A growl met your ears. Hands gripped your shoulders and shook you. "I told you I'd kill you if you did this to me again you idiot!"

"Ow, ow, Katsuki stop," you whined. "My head hurts."

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" He bellowed, making you flinch. "Do you know how long you've been out of it? This is the first time you've moved since I brought you in here!"

"I- wait, have you been here the whole time?" You glared back at him.

"No," the blond huffed as he sat roughly. "Vlad and Aizawa finally let me in here a few minutes ago."

"How do-"

"Are you okay?"

You hesitated a moment before speaking. "It's mostly my nose that hurts right now. And I have a bit of a headache. Besides that I feel fine."

"Your purple stuff, Fatigue, it heals you right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Get to it," he held an arm out to you.

"I'll be fine until I can see Recovery Girl after camp."

"Not happening. Just use your quirk on me. It's okay hummingbird."


"I know you don't like using it on people if you don't have to but I'm insisting. Heal yourself."

"Fine," you grumbled and took his forearm in your hand. "But I'm healing you right after. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"I know dammit," Bakugo huffed. After feeling his body was healed you released his arm only for him to pull you into a tight embrace. "You just scared the shit out of me. What the hell was that move? When did you learn to do it?"

"I don't know." Pushing out of his grasp you stood. Bakugo followed, not letting you get more than a couple of feet away from him. "I remember thinking I had Monoma after landing the blow to his stomach but then he kicked me and managed to pin me down again. I started to panic. He doesn't have a clue what Fatigue could've done but he wouldn't listen to me."

"That bastard could've killed you," Bakugo grumbled.

"That's why I panicked," you explained. "And then I saw purple. Like a shockwave, I guess, but it drained me too. Fatigue is supposed to heal me."

"It could be because it's a new move that it didn't have that affect on you." It was Aizawa that spoke from across the room. "Or it could be a side affect of the move itself. We won't know until you train with it more. You'll need to find a way to call upon it that isn't panicking though."

"That'll probably be the hardest part," you nodded.

"In the mean time, you can think of a name for the move while you continue to rest."

"I need to train," you argued with a shake of your head. "I won't fall behind because of this."

"If anything you're where you should be with all the endurance training you've been doing. You can partake in the test of courage in a little while though since it's not quirk based."

"So, I'm just supposed to sit around and think of a damn name until then?" You asked in frustration. "Or can I at least go outside?"

Aizawa sighed but it was Bakugo that spoke. "Only if you stay where myself or Aizawa can see you."

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now