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"You received your rescue points in the entrance exam for a reason, Young Y/N," All Might started. "Sure you didn't take out any of the villains but you made sure your friends were taken care of and Young Midoriya made a quick and full recovery thanks to your actions. That didn't go unnoticed. Besides, healing injured citizens is just as heroic as fighting the villains that cause them harm."

Smiling, your turned your tear blurred gaze to look at him. "Thanks All Might."

"Make sure you eat something Young Y/N, you need all the strength you can get while you train."

"I will," you stood and hurried back to the cafeteria, spirits lifted.

You grabbed an orange and bowl of grapes before finding an empty seat by the window.

"Hey hummingbird," Bakugo slid into the seat across from you.

"What do you want hedgehog?" You asked without looking at him. You stared instead at the row of trees outside.


"I'll stop when you start calling me by name, until then it stays. What do you want?" You repeated and popped a grape into your mouth.

"I was told that I may have been rude earlier and that I should apologize for making you feel bad about your quirk," he sighed and you could tell this pained him.

"And?" You shrugged, picking another grape from your bowl.

"And here I am," he said through gritted teeth.

"I haven't heard an apology." You blinked as the sun moved from behind a cloud temporarily blinding you.

"That's because I'm not sorry," he crossed his arms in satisfaction, leaning back in his chair.

"Funny," you turned your head to finally look at him. Your eyes felt heavy and you were sure there were visible bags. "You wouldn't have bothered to come over here if you didn't have something worthwhile to say. That being said, why are you here hedgehog? To throw it in my face that you have a better quirk than me?" You glared across the table at him. "Or did you just want to see if you had made me cry? Or deep down, under the tough guy persona, do you really feel bad for what you said earlier?" When he didn't respond you went on. "Midoriya said you changed after your quirk developed. I didn't know you then so I can only assume that what he's told me is correct." You sighed and stood, finished with your fruit. "I'll see you in class, Katsuki."

It wasn't until after she'd walked away that he realized she hadn't called him hedgehog when she was leaving.

Before you knew it, it was the day before the sleepover and all the girls had agreed to come. You scratched down a quick shopping list before your home room that morning.

"Hey, Momo, Jiro, is there anything you'd like for snacks or something tomorrow night?" You asked when they entered the room.

"You don't need to buy everything," Jiro insisted. "Why don't we bring our own snacks and you worry about dinner? That way you don't have to buy so much."

"Are you sure?" You frowned. "I really don't mind."

"Of course not," Momo agreed with a smile. "Besides, you said you were going by yourself to the market after school so you'd be overloaded with groceries."

You smiled at their generosity and nodded. "Curry alright with you guys for dinner?"

"Aw man, curry's my favorite," Kirishima pat his stomach for emphasis as he turned to join the conversation. "Yours too, right Bakugo?"

"Shut up, rocky," he shot back.

You thought a moment before scratching a reminder on your shopping list.

Later that day as you were saying your goodbyes to Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka you caught sight of Bakugo and Kirishima standing not too far off from your group and hurried over to them. "Hey, if you'd like, I can bring you guys some curry tomorrow? My dad is really fond of it so I was going to make a couple of batches anyway."

Kirishima bounced in excitement. "That sounds awesome! Thanks Y/N!"

"You're welcome," you beamed at his enthusiasm. "How about you hedgehog?"

"I'm good. Listen, my mom asked me to grab some stuff from the market on my way home so I guess we can walk together or whatever."

"Oh, sure!" You tried you hide your building nerves. "The company will be nice anyway," you admitted.

"Didn't you tell round face you wanted some time by yourself?" Bakugo asked, clearly confused.

I was hoping to stop and see my mom you thought. "I changed my mind," you decided to say. "Come on, I want to get home before it gets dark."

The two of you walked in silence for the majority of the trip. "When did your quirk develop?" You asked, curiosity getting the better of you.

"I was six," Bakugo replied.

"That's awesome. I was about the same age when mine developed. Did you have a hard time controlling it? I would imagine explosives with a young boy would be difficult."

"I got the hang of it pretty quickly."

"Oh." Lucky.

"We don't have to talk," he insisted.

"Right, yeah, my bad." Once at the market, you turned to go find your favorite vendors, calling over your shoulder as you did. "Thanks for walking with me."

"Wait a second," Bakugo caught your elbow before you were sucked away by the crowd. "Will you help me? I don't usually have to do this so I'm not entirely sure where to go."

"Come on," you smiled and nodded in the direction you were headed. "I'll show you the best places to find everything. May I see your list?"

For the next hour you guided him through the market to the individual stalls you enjoyed and spoke with the vendors you frequented. "Alright," you turned to face him and smiled. "You've got everything you need and I just have one other place to stop before I'm finished. Thank you again for coming with me."

"Yeah, my folks will kill me if I don't make sure you get home safely, so I'm stuck with you."

You winced at his words. "Oh, um, okay then."

"You're not clothes shopping or something super girly are you?" He sighed, obviously annoyed with the situation.

"No, nothing like that."


You felt your shoulders sag the closer you got to the shop that sold flowers. "Good evening, Rena," you greeted her when you stepped into her shop.

"Y/N, my dear!" She rushed over to hug you. "Picking up the usual?"

"Yes please," you nodded.

She disappeared into the back. "I thought you said you weren't doing something girly."

"They're for my mom." Please don't ask questions you pleaded internally.

"How is that not girly?" Bakugo huffed.

You blinked slowly as tears burned your eyes and bowed your head. "Because she's dead," you murmured. You weren't surprised by his silence after that. Thanking Rena when she'd retrieved your order you hurried off, not wanting to keep Bakugo longer than necessary.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now