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You jumped behind the first thing you could find. Aizawa was fighting hard, taking on the villains as best as he could. You caught movement out of the corner of your eye and turned sharply. Midoriya! And Tsu and Mineta too you sighed a breath of relief knowing that at least some of your classmates were safe.

A cry of pain tore your attention away from them. Aizawa was being held down by a monstrous creature. One of his elbows was bleeding and the creature was bending his other arm crudely with one hand and the other was bashing Aizawa's face into the dirt. More movement, a flicker this time, pulled your attention away and back to Tsu. A man with too many hands to count covering his body stood before her.

"No!" You dashed from your hiding place in the same instant the main doors burst from their hinges. The creature went flying and in its place was All Might.

"Fear not!" He flashed his signature smile. "For I am here!"

The man with the hands stood, no longer interested in Tsu. The shapeless purple mass joined him and opened another warp gate, the man with the hands retreated into it silently.

You took that opportunity to kneel beside Aizawa. "He's out cold," you muttered when you placed a hand on his arm. Activating your quirk you started healing his head wounds first.

"Young Y/N." You had to blink a few times before your vision steadied and confused on All Might standing above you. "You and the others need to get yourselves and Eraser Head out of here."

You shouted for your friends. "Get over here and help me!" When they joined you you gave further instruction. "Mineta, Tsu I need you two to carry Aizawa so I can keep healing him. Midoriya, can you fend off anyone that tries to stop us?"

"Of course," he nodded, his eyes fixed on All Might.

"Hey," you grabbed his shoulder. "Focus, I need you here. I can't fight off villains and help Aizawa too."

"Right," Midoriya nodded.

"Okay," you blinked hard and shook your head to clear it. "Let's go."

You'd managed to heal most of Aizawa's head wounds and his bleeding elbow before Midoriya was taking off back to All Might. "Midoriya!" You shouted after him. "Dammit," you seethed through your teeth. "Aizawa's going to be fine but I need you two to keep going. Midoriya is going to get himself killed."

"What about you!" Mineta cried.

"You need to rest before you overuse your quirk," Tsu added with a croak.

"I'm fine," you told her over your shoulder, taking off after Midoriya before either of them could protest further.

You wiped sweat from your brow as you ran, desperate to catch up to your friend before he did anything stupid. With All Might's back to the creature he didn't see it get into a fighting stance. Midoriya was too far ahead for you to stop him as he activated his quirk and with a shout, lunged for it.

"Get out of my way, Deku!" You heard the shout just before the explosion. Katsuki. You released yet another sigh knowing he was okay. You could see he was yelling but could barely hear it over the dull ringing in your ears.

"You idiots!" You stumbled up to your friends. "What are you thinking?"

"All Might needs our help," Midoriya told you simply.

"We aren't - we aren't prepared for this," you gasped, throwing your arms wide. "They could've killed Aizawa."

"Are you okay?" Todoroki laid a hand on your shoulder. You silently thanked him for the added support as you blinked back pain and panic. I can't pick up his heartbeat.

"I'm fine," you took in his appearance. "What about you guys?" You saw Kirishima just behind Todoroki.

You felt the shock wave moments before you heard it. In the same instant your feet left solid ground and you were thrown into the rocky cliff beside you. From the ground you gasped for breath as you looked around to see where your friends had been thrown.

"Y/N!" Bakugo's voice met your ears.

"You guys good?" You answered, wheezing as you pushed yourself to your feet. You struggled to stay standing as smaller shock waves pelted your body.

"We're fine!" Kirishima called from where he had landed.

"Y/N," Bakugo ran up to you, looking worried. "Are you okay? You're bleeding."

You nodded quietly, ignoring the pain in your body. "Are you g-your gloved are missing," you frowned as you grabbed his hands to heal the burns that covered them.

"Stop it," he pulled his hands free and grasped your arms. "Y/N, you're exhausted."

"I can help," you protested, blinking a few times. I can't feel his heartbeat either.

"Are you dizzy?" He asked.

"I'm f-fine." A lie. You were dizzy even before you'd helped Aizawa. "I'm strong enough," you told him, standing as straight as your legs would allow.

"You're being reckless."

"We don't have time for this!" Midoriya hissed at you both as he and the others joined you.

When All Might cried out in anguish you all turned to see two portals had opened on the ground. The creatures lower half was sticking out of one and its upper half out the other, grasped All Might. Midoriya reacted just a second after you managed to grab his collar. "You are in no condition right now!" You shouted at him, glaring. "Let me - let me help first."


"I got it," Todoroki stepped forward and slammed a foot down. Ice raced across the ground and you activated your own quirk. Panic seized your heart. No, not now! The mist around your forearms was stagnant.

"Y/N don't!" Bakugo grabbed your wrist. "You're being reckless," he repeated.

"What other choice do we have?" When he didn't say anything you turned back to Midoriya but not before seeing the ice that covered most of the creatures body. Todoroki knew not to freeze its hands so All Might could break free. "Great job, Todoroki."

"Do it now!" Midoriya encouraged.

"I am," you shook away the swirls in your vision. "I'm try-trying," you amended after seeing you were no longer producing your mist.

"Y/N?" Kirishima's voice was filled with worry.

"I can do t-" you wretched, the contents of your stomach covering your boots.

"Get her out of here!" Warms hands pushed you into a hard body.

"I just...need a minute," you pleaded as your vision tilted harshly. "I can...help." Darkness consumed you.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now