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"I'm coming!" You called, drying your hands fervently on a towel as you made your way to the door. "Uraraka! Mina! Come on in!" You swooped an arm in greeting. "I'm just finishing up dishes from lunch but feel free to make yourselves at home while I finish up."

"We can help," Mina suggested after setting her things down.

"Yeah, I've been over enough I know where everything goes anyway," Uraraka added.

"You guys are great," you sighed happily. "I got a little side tracked after school otherwise I'd be done by now," you admitted.

"Hey, you're blushing!" Mina almost squealed. "Spill the beans! Who is it?"

"What?" You frowned as you dove your hands into the sudsy water in your sink.

"You have a crush on someone," she insisted. "Tell me everything."

"I don't have a crush," you countered. Do I?

"You are getting more red," Uraraka pointed out.

"Well, what about you then?" You smiled at her, happy to turn the attention on someone else.

She froze. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on Uraraka," your smile turned playfully. "I've seen the way you look at him."

"Look at who?" Mina glanced excitedly between you and Uraraka, practically bouncing. "Tell me! Tell me!"

"It's nothing," Uraraka insisted, panicking.

"No! Tell me!" Mina whined. "I need to know."

"It's nothing," Uraraka insisted. "Bakugo walked you home again didn't he?"

"Again?" Mina squealed. "When did that start?"

"Yeah, so?" You scrunched up your nose. "He lives nearby."

"Did you guys talk?"

"Not very much yesterday," you admitted, shrugging as you pulled the drain in the sink. "Today I did most of the talking."

"That's not surprising," Uraraka crossed her arms. "Bakugo won't talk if he isn't interested in what you're saying."

"I think he was interested," you twisted a towel in your hands. "I think he was just being polite and letting me talk."

"What did you talk to him about?" Mina wondered.

You smiled. "My mom."

Uraraka smiled warmly. "You did tell me he was with you when you visited her yesterday," she recalled.

"He was. He asked me to tell him about her after our visit yesterday and again today."

"Where is you mom, Y/N?" Mina asked gently.

"She passed when I was seven," you told her. You were explaining your weekly visits when there was a knock at your door.

"I'll get it," Uraraka jumped up from the table before you could argue.

"Uraraka and I practically lived at each other's places while we were growing up," you explained to Mina as you both stood. "Our families were close before either of us were born and having two young girls the same age brought them closer."

"That's really sweet," she gushed.

As everyone settled into your place you felt an overwhelming sense of joy. The loneliness you usually felt during your father's business trips was something you were sure you wouldn't feel again with all the friends you were making at school.

You played games and talked and did everything else you did during sleepovers with Uraraka but with more people.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Toru suggested when there was a lull in activity.

"That should be fun," Tsu agreed. "Who should go first?"

"I will," you decided, smiling as you set a fresh bowl of snacks down. "Truth."

"Do you sing in the shower?" Momo asked.

"Oh, always," you chuckled. "Everyone knows that's where the best acoustics are. Toru, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" You could hear the smile she was wearing.

"Have you ever streaked knowing no one would know but you?" It was Jiro that asked.

"A couple of times yeah," Toru admitted.

"I envy your stealth ability," Tsu commented.

"But you climb so high so easily," Momo argued.

"I think we can all agree that all of our quirks have their advantages," Mina interjected before it got out of hand.

"She's right," Jiro agreed. "I'll admit I'm a little jealous of all of you to some degree." You nodded silently in agreement. "Especially you, Y/N. I don't think I've seen a negative side effect of your quirk yet."

"Every quirk has a side effect," you explained. "The way my quirk works seems simple enough at first, I can heal people. But it goes a little deeper than that. My stamina deteriorates if I don't rest enough while using it."

Uraraka's gaze was downcast. She knew and hated what your quirk did to you.

"The day of the entrance exam I had to be cautious of how frequently I was healing all of you. Even then I overdid myself. I barely had the ability to heal Midoriya as much as I did."

While you were having a wonderful time hanging out with the girls your mind wandered. You thought of your mom and how she would've been rushing around the place making sure everyone was comfortable and had enough to drink and eat. How proud she would've been at your actions during the entrance exams.

You were still thinking of her when you finally settled down for the night, retrieving blankets and pillows for everyone. Checking your phone before you called it a night you were surprised to see a couple of texts from Bakugo.

Made it home. And a couple of hours later: I talked to rocky, he's busy all weekend

Though it was late you sent him a reply. That's okay. If you're cool with training me alone for now I am too. Otherwise we can wait until all of us are free. And thanks for letting me know you made it home hedgehog

Whatever hummingbird his reply was almost immediate. How's the sleepover thing?

Everyone is asleep or just about. It was nice though. How was your night?

Fine. Worked out some

Sounds tiring why are you still up

I'm not tired yet

Well that makes one of us

That's because you're weak you flinched internally as you read his words.

Right. Good night. You turned your phone on silent and stuffed it under your pillow angrily.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now