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Your mind stalled on the idea of being someone's hero. Sure it made sense, after all you were an integral part of his life. Helping him with school work and taking him to the park. Going to his school functions with his mother or in her place even. You were there when he took his first steps and when he lost his first tooth, you even helped teach him how to ride a bike.

In a small box in one of your desk drawers were photos of the two of you doing all sorts of things together. From birthdays to simply making funny faces at each other you had made sure to document as much of your time together as you could. Even going so far as to capture little moments like when he chewed on the ends of his pencils while he thought through assignments.

For those reasons alone you shouldn't be surprised you were his hero yet the news brought on the familiar burn of tears. Knowing if you said anything you would start crying you reached over and pulled Asher into a hug. "Love you bud," you managed quietly.

His grip on you tightened almost like he was afraid you'd slip away. "I love you too."

The weather was nice enough that you spent the majority of your day outside. Having Asher around seemed to remind everyone that they were still young and could enjoy the free time they had for the day. At his insistence you played a few games each of tag and hide and seek. When he grew bored of that you took him back inside where you let him pick out a movie to watch after lunch.

Too soon you were back in front of his place saying your goodbyes. "Can we do this again next week?" Asher asked after releasing you from yet another hug. "Your friends are so cool and nice."

"We'll have to run it through your mom first but if she's okay with it I am too." You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards his front door. "It'll be like old times, when I would babysit you."

"But now it's just hanging out," he insisted. "I'm big enough that I don't need babysat anymore."

"Whatever you say, kiddo," you chuckled. "I gotta get back to the station, though, so have your mom text me about next week okay?"

"Sure!" He chirped.

"Be good!" You called before he'd completely shut the door on you.

By the time you got back to the dorm you had confirmation from Yui to take Asher on Sundays for the foreseeable future, baring anything that came up of course. The thought of being his hero still burned in the back of your mind as you ate.

"Asher seems like a cool kid," Sero said suddenly.

"He's something else, that's for sure," you agreed. A smile crept over your face at hearing the agreements from those around you. It made your heart happy to know that they had enjoyed his company as much as you had.

"If I didn't know better I would say the two of you were siblings with how you interact and behave," Iida added. "But I imagine a lot of that has to do with how much time you've spent with him as he grew up."

"We get that a lot actually," you divulged. "It's a common enough assumption that we don't bother correcting anymore."

"He looks up to you as well," Deku added with a quick glance at Bakugo. "Makes sense too since you have a great connection with him and all that."

Your stomach turned and suddenly you weren't very hungry anymore. Making an excuse you cleared off your dishes before retreating to your room for the night.

Freeing the box from its hiding place you went trough the pictures you had. Memories were great but even those went sometimes and pictures could help jog them. It was why you took so many with him. So you both could remember.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now