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After school you were talking with the girls about when each would be over. Some had to run home to grab their overnight stuff while others had quick errands to run for the parents. You were happy to have an hour or so to yourself after getting home before your company would arrive.

"Hey, hummingbird," Bakugo's angry voice met your ears. "I need to talk to you."

"I'll text you all my address." You waved as you peeled yourself from the group. He stood a few feet away. "What's up?"

"My mom wanted me to thank you for yesterday."

"Well you can tell your mom that I said you're welcome and that I'll help any time she needs you to grab something," you smiled up at him.

"Yeah sure."

"Listen," you moved in front of him as he started to walk away. "I wanted to thank you too. For listening yesterday and for allowing me to talk about my mom."

"Okay?" He arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"My dad doesn't really talk about her," you explained. "If he does it's never about the good times we had. So it was nice not only to talk about her but to think of all the great times I had with her before she passed."

Bakugo's eyes softened the more you spoke. "You're welcome," he told you earnestly. "Come on, I'll walk you home and you can tell me more about her."

So you told him about helping her cook dinner on her nights off and going to the market. You detailed the first time she saw you use your quirk and how excited she had been when you come home telling her how you fixed Uraraka's scraped knees.

You'd only had your quirk for about a year before your mother passed but you'd managed to do a lot with it in that time and cherished the times she allowed you to use it without worry.

Bakugo's thoughts raced as he put together bits and pieces of information. "You learned about the side effects of your quirk while trying to help your mom, didn't you?" He asked.

"Yeah," you focused your gaze on the sidewalk. "The day before she died I was trying to heal her again. Desperately trying. I had never used my quirk so much before. I remember thinking I was just getting a headache from crying. And then I started to get dizzy and even threw up," you chuckled lightly at that, a little embarrassed at admitting it. "I only stopped because she kept tell me-" you swallowed the lump in your throat. "She put her hand on my cheek and just kept telling me it was okay to stop and that she loved me." Forcing a smile through the tears that clouded your vision you glanced at Bakugo. "I need to stop crying in front of you," you made yourself laugh.

"It's fine."

You were quiet for a few paces before remembering something you'd been meaning to ask. "Hey, do you think you and Kirishima could train me in combat?"

"What?" He seemed startled by your request.

"I have some training," you insisted. "But I need more so I can fight reliably too."

"I mean, I guess we could help," he shrugged. "I'll ask rocky this weekend."

"Thanks," you smiled. "And you guys can spar too, with his quirk Kirishima shouldn't be hurt too much by your blasts but I can stick around just in case he gets a couple good punches in."

"He won't touch me!"

He went for the bait you smirked. "There's the angry hedgehog," you snickered.

"Shut up you stupid hummingbird!" You only laughed more. "I'll kill you!"

"Oh calm down," you laid a hand on his arm. Accelerated heart rate but fine overall. "You're so easy to goad."

"I am not," he huffed.

"Whatever you say, hedgehog." You saw you were close to your building now and sighed. "Thanks for walking me home again."

"Are we there already?" Bakugo seemed surprised as he looked up at your building looming before the two of you.

"Sure are."

"If rocky isn't busy this weekend we can start combat training tomorrow after all the other extras have gone home."

"That works for me. I don't have anything else going on this weekend anyway so just hit me up whenever."

Bakugo turned away and started back down the street without a word. You watched him for a few seconds before dropping your bags to the ground and running after him.

You weren't sure if your intentions just that your feet started moving. "Katsuki!" You called you get his attention.


You were hugging him and he was not for it. "Shut up and let me thank you."

"You already did!"

"I'm not done," you snapped, releasing him. "For years I've been afraid of talking about my mom because I didn't want to hurt my dad more. And in two days you've allowed me to talk about her without question. Sure I could talk to Uraraka about her but she was there. It's not the same because she grieved with me. Our families are that close. It's been refreshing and rehabilitating in a way I never thought I would get. So yeah, I'm going to keep thanking you Katsuki. And I'm not sorry."

"Freaking hummingbird," you heard him grumble under his breath.

"Why do you call me that?"


"Hummingbird. Why do you call me hummingbird? I'm not that little," you crossed your arms over your chest. You were only a couple of centimeters shorter than him.

"It's not because your short," he glared at you. "It's because of how wide your social circle is and how you bounce from person to person to talk to everyone. And you're a decent multitasker too, I guess. Those are all traits of a hummingbird."

"So it's not an insult," you stated.

"It's a name that suits you," he shrugged. "Just like round face is round face and rocky is rocky."

"I guess that makes sense?" You furrowed your brows together but smiled. You waved your hands in front of you. "You know what, it is what it is, I need to clean the dishes from earlier before the girls come over, so I'd better get going."

"I'll text you later."

"I can't promise that I'll answer right away. Girls tend to be very talkative when we're in a group."

"Even when you aren't in a group you all talk a lot," he shot back.

"You aren't wrong," you shrugged with a smile. "See you later hedgehog."

"YOU TWERP!" He yelled at your retreating back.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now