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In the locker room you sat on a bench as you gulped down a bottle of orange juice, taking your time to gain some strength back before changing back into your school uniform. Uraraka sat beside you. "You did great just like I said," she smiled.

With heavy eyes you smiled at her. "Thanks Uraraka, you were pretty amazing too."

"Get changed silly," she encouraged. "We can walk  to our next class together."

"Deku! Iida!" Uraraka called when she spotted them by the building main doors after school. She waved at them and hurried over, you followed at a walk.

"You guys were all great today," you told them with a small smile. "I've got my work cut out for me."

"Might just want to call it quits now," Bakugo told you as he passed.

"That's no way to talk to a fellow student Bakugo," Iida frantically called after him.

"Maybe he's right," you mumbled, glancing at your feet. "I mean, what can I do with a healing quirk besides be a nurse like Recovery Girl? I can't fight villains with my quirk or run fast or make things float with zero gravity. Those are real hero quirks."

"Don't say that!" Midoriya stood tall. "Anyone can be a hero. No matter the quirk."

"Thanks Midoriya," you gave him a halfhearted smile. "I'm gonna get going."

When you got home you shrugged out of your uniform and changed into a pair of shorts and a long sleeved tee shirt. The place was dark as it usually was when you got home, your father gone for his night shift. The daily note on the refrigerator detailed when he would be home in the morning and that there was dinner inside for you to warm up when you got hungry. You wolfed it down before doing your homework and finally passing out.

In the mornings that followed you would make yourself and your father breakfast, though he wouldn't be up for a few hours after you were gone. You left him a long note telling him all about your days and the friends you were making. You told him about the exercises they were putting your class through and how you were performing. Satisfied with your explanations you would put it in the refrigerator before slinging your book bag over your shoulder and hurrying to meet Uraraka. The two of you lived close and walked to school each morning and home most nights.

"Say, what are you doing next weekend?" You asked Uraraka as you stepped into your classroom. "My dad is picking up some extra shifts and told me I could have some friends over for company."

"Like a sleepover?" Mina interjected.

"Exactly," you nodded. "All you girls are invited. Let me know by next Thursday so I can grab some things from the market."

"I'll be there." A small voice chimed from across the room.

"Mineta," you sighed as you made your way to your desk. "First of all, you got a little drool on your chin. Second, you're a perv."

"You have remarkable control over your quirk," Todoroki commented when you sat down. "You did well yesterday."

He was referring to the hero exercises your class had done yesterday. You hadn't been much help during you own but had helped your classmates with their injuries after each of their exercises.

"Thanks," you glanced at your hands momentarily before back at him. "You seem to be in total control of yours. I imagine that took a lot of training."

"I still need more." You noticed his knuckles turn white on in his left hand as he clenched it in a tight fist.

"You'll all need more training if you ever want to have a chance at beating me and being the number one hero," Bakugo gloated before turning his gaze on you. "Especially you, unless you want to end up someone's sidekick your whole life with a quirk like yours."

As much as it hurt to hear you tried not to let it show. But his words wore at you even as your class voted on the class representative. Even as you moved from one class to another. At lunch you barely touched your food, and only sipped at your drink.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" It was Tokoyami's deep voice that jarred you from your thoughts.

"Yeah, fine," you nodded tightly as you stood with your tray. "I'm just not all that hungry. I'll see you guys in class."

Bakugo saw you stand abruptly and watched as you hurried to return your tray before you pushed through the cafeteria doors practically running as you did.

"What's her deal?" He grumbled.

"You basically called her a sidekick earlier," Kirishima reminded him.

"Well that's what she is with a quirk like that!" Bakugo raged. "You can't fight with that!"

"But it is essential," Todoroki insisted. "Recovery Girl being here at UA is the only reason we're able to take exams the way we do. Besides, you all saw how she did with Midoriya during the entrance exam."

"Whatever," Bakugo clipped.

You sat on the steps of UA High, your chin resting on your knees as you tried desperately to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. I'm trying Mom, you thought. I'm trying so hard but they're so much better than me.

With a sigh you let yourself lay back, your arms fanned out above your head on the ground, your eyes closed against the sun.

That's where you were a few minutes later when All Might happened to walk by. "Young Y/N," his booming voice made you jump your eyes flying open as you stood quickly. "Come now," he laughed and flashed his signature smile. "Sit please." You did but stiffly. You knew that he was teaching at UA now but hadn't seen him until the day before when he lead the mock battles. "Where's your lunch, Young Y/N?"

"I lost my appetite," you admitted.

"Worried about being at a new school I take it?" He asked.

"No, nothing like that," you shook your head. After a moment of silence you asked, "All Might, do you think I could be more than just a sidekick with my quirk?"

"With heart and determination you can be whatever you set your mind to," he told you simply.

That made you sigh. A textbook reply. "I just want to help people. I don't care if it's as a sidekick or a hero or even a civilian. But with my quirk, I can take away the pain and heal someone. Most of the time." That's another story for another time.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now