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When you woke your head was pounding. You groaned and draped an arm over your eyes to block out the light. "Good you're awake."

"Recovery Girl," you sighed.

"The problem with your quirk, dear, is that I can't use mine when you've overused yours. You must be more careful."

"I couldn't just stand around and do nothing knowing I could help my friends."

"It was dangerous."

"I'm sorry," you told her after a moment. "Is everyone okay? Aizawa? Thirteen? Midoriya's arm was broken the last I saw him."

"Everyone is fine," Midoriya's voice startled you. Uncovering your eyes you found him in a bed beside you, his arms bandaged.

"Midoriya," you breathed with a smile. "What the hell happened to your other arm?"

"I still don't have complete control over my quirk," he explained.

"You're both lucky to be here after running into the heat of everything the way you did," Recovery Girl scolded.

"They were being heroes."

"All Might!" You and Midoriya shouted together.

"You two should be proud of yourselves," he stepped into the room. "Without your help things could've been a lot worse."

"That's what we're here for," you repeated the words you'd given Mina.

"You're here to learn," Recovery Girl swatted your leg. "But not by jumping straight into a real world experiences."

"I don't see any better way to learn," you argued.

"Recovery Girl is right, Young Y/N," All Might approached the end of your bed. "You kids never should have been put into that kind of situation."

"In every fight that I saw, we as a class came together and did everything we could to stop those villains."

"I'm not saying what you kids did isn't too be praised," Recovery Girl squeezed your leg gently now. "But you weren't prepared for those battles the other day."

Your eyes flickered to the window as if it would clarify for you. "The other day?" You asked, confused. "What day is it?"

"Thursday," Midoriya answered.

"Thursday!" You shot upright in your bed. The regret was immediate, your head spun and throbbed with each heartbeat.

"Careful!" Recovery Girl tried to lay you back down. "You're body is still recovering."

"I need to go," you pulled your covers off and swung your legs over the side of the bed. "Where are my clothes?"

"Kacchan told me to tell you they would take care of it," Midoriya's voice stopped you.

"What? Who? Hey, what are you doing?" You caught Recovery Girl injecting a clear liquid into your IV.

"He came by before school this morning and told me to tell you he and Uraraka would take care of it," Midoriya's voice was garbled. Your eyes grew heavy.

It was evening when you woke next. Midoriya was gone, his bed remade. You glared at the ceiling and slapped the call nurse button. They gave me a damn sedative!

"Perfect timing," Uraraka slipped in the room seconds later. She was by your side in an instant, helping you sit up comfortably. "How are you?" She asked after giving you a hug.

"I want to leave," you told her honestly, tears filling your vision. "I missed seeing my mom."

"Didn't Deku tell you? Bakugo and I saw her today for you."

"He did, but I wanted to be there. I tried to leave but Recovery Girl gave me a sedative when I tried getting out of bed."

"Good!" Your friend smiled. "You needed help healing."

"Did Katsuki really go with you?"

"I did," Bakugo's voice met your ears. "I asked Uraraka if she was going to take her flowers and joined her."

"Really?" You smiled and then caught sight of more people behind him hovering in the doorway. "Did everyone come?" Your classmates filled the room. "You're all okay!" You cried happily as tears fell down your cheeks. Uraraka took one of your hands, squeezing it tightly.

"Your dad has been worried but knows you're being taken care of by the best," she told you. "My mom has had him over every night this week for dinner."

"Good," you smiled. "Can someone please tell me what the hell happened?"

"Before or after you passed out?" Kirishima asked.

"Both? Where did everyone go? How are none of you hurt? We didn't stand a chance against those guys yet here we all are."

"They must not have known our quirks at all because some of us were warped to zones we thrived in," Tokoyami started. "They seemed to be lower level villains too."

"The Nomu wasn't like anything any of the teachers had seen before," Todoroki added.

"Nomu?" You frowned. "Is that what that creature was that attacked Aizawa?" Silent nods answered you. "And you said teachers. That means Iida," you found him in the group. "You made it to the school and got help."

"I ran into All Might on the way there and let him know what was happening then I got to the school and got the rest of the teachers," Iida explained.

"You were already passed out when they showed up," Bakugo told you.

Uraraka squeezed your hand again. "Your quick thinking and ability to take charge under pressure helped a lot," she told you.

"I didn't tell you guys anything you didn't already know."

"You kept us level headed," Sero began. "You didn't seem to panic at all, even after our friends were warped. We didn't know where any of them went or if they were hurt."

You were too stunned to argue so you nodded. "I'm just happy you're all okay."

"We're happy to see you're awake now," Momo pat your foot from her place at the end of your bed. "You were in and out of consciousness all week."

"You really had us worried," Kaminari agreed.

"Well, with any luck Recovery Girl will let me go home tonight," you raised your eyebrows in her direction.

"If your headache has gone away," she confirmed.

"You two stay," you grasped Uraraka and Bakugo's hands when everyone started to filter out of the room. "I need a word. In private if that's okay Recovery Girl."

"It's good to see you awake, Y/N," she smiled before herding everyone out of the room.

You folded your hands in your lap. "Thank you both for taking flowers to my mom today."

"You've never missed seeing her before," Uraraka sat on the edge of your bed. "I can't imagine how you feel right now, Y/N. I'm so so-"

"Don't apologize," you pleaded. "Please. You were basically a second daughter to her Uraraka. How many times have you gone with me to see her?"

"Any time you ask," she smiled.

"Any time," you echoed. "Without fail. And you," you turned to Bakugo. "You stupid angry hedgehog," you chuckled. "You saw instantly that I had overused my quirk and got me out of danger just in time. I knew what I was doing but I couldn't leave knowing I could still be helpful."

"You would've gotten in the way of Kirishima hadn't listened to me and taken you back to Thirteen," he scolded gently.

Uraraka stood and squeezed your shoulder. "My parents are here to pick me up," she told you. "Your dad is working tonight so if you get sent home come to my place okay?"

"I will," you pulled your friend in for another hug before she left.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now