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It didn't surprise anyone in your class when Bakugo won the sports festival. What did surprise you however was the way he won. You weren't entirely sure why but you were almost certain Todoroki had thrown the fight.

You put the thought out of your mind as you, Uraraka and Bakugo walked home. He didn't talk as you told Uraraka everything. Somehow your tears were minimal while you spoke. She was understanding and didn't seem at all upset by the news you gave her.

You were staying at her place for the night but when you reached her door there was a note on it. "That's weird," she murmured, taking it down and scanning the words. Her eyes widened.

"What? What's wrong?" You asked, noting the tremble in her hand.

"Your dad," she whispered. "He says he's kicking you out for using your quirk the way you did."

You sighed, though you'd known it would come to this the moment you'd activated your quirk against Iida, the pain radiating from your chest nearly took you to your knees.

"You don't seem surprised," Bakugo snagged the note from Uraraka reading the words for himself. "He's giving you until he gets home to get everything you want."

"He told me when he found me with my mom that day that I was never to use that part of my quirk again for any reason," you explained looking at your hands clasped firmly before you. "He didn't want to believe that she'd ask me to do it. So he told me that if he ever saw me use my quirk like that again he would disown me. I didn't think he would be so quick to actually do it."

"Move in with me." It wasn't a question more of a demand from Uraraka. "You know my parents adore you Y/N, you said it yourself that we're basically family."

"Thank you Uraraka." I don't deserve a friend like her.

"I can call Rocky," Bakugo suggested. "The four of us together can get you squared away in no time."

"Will your parents be okay with all of this?" You glanced worrisome at Uraraka.

She held up a finger pushing her front door open. You felt Bakugo's hand on your back reassuring you silently. "Mom? Dad? Y/N's dad is kicking her out so she's moving in with us."

You heard the shouts of surprise and the clambering of feet as her parents hurried to the door. "What do you mean he's kicking you out?" Her mom asked you, scooping you into a hug only a mother could give.

"I promise I'll explain everything after I've gotten all my things," you told them. "He's given me until he's off this shift to grab the things I want."

"Well let's get you moved then!" Uraraka's father was already on the stairs leading up to your floor.

Kirishima arrived minutes later accompanied by his parents who both offered their help and empathy. You were grateful, both for their words and their actions. All of them going out of their way to ensure that you were taken care of and that all of your belongings made it to the Uraraka home.

"Okay," you shifted nervously when the last of your things were brought in. "I guess we can sit down and talk now. Kirishima, you and your folks should stay too. I've roped you all in enough that you should know everything."

The bunch of you all piled into the living room, you standing as everyone sat around you. Biting your lip and fidgeting with your hands you struggled with how you were going to start. Get everyone up to speed you thought and focused your attention on Kirishima and his parents. Leaving out minor details you quickly caught them up on your family dynamic. When they were in understanding you went on to explain your quirk and how you used it on your mom. Then you explained to all of them, some for the second and even third time, what all lead to you getting kicked out. And you told them the one thing none of them knew.

"He's hardly home anymore," you admitted. "I've seen less and less of him since school started. I don't know if it's because he's picking up more shifts at work or because he knew this day would be coming or what. But yeah, since the USJ indecent I've only seen him a handful of times. He leaves me money for groceries and stuff but that's about it."

"Y-Y/N," Kirishima was the first to speak. He jumped to his feet, startling everyone as he did, and engulfed you in a massive hug.

"Kirishima I'm okay," you insisted, refusing to cry again today.

"You're welcome over to my place any time you want." He released you finally and gave you his toothy, crooked grin.

"Thank you, I appreciate the offer."

"Hey, we gotta stick together, right?"

"Some more than others," you teased making your way to his parents. They stood as you approached. "Mr. and Mrs. K, I can't thank you enough for dropping everything the way you did and coming here."

"Eijiro told us it was an emergency," his mom began. She smiled though you could see the tears in her eyes. "I remember him telling us 'there's these two girls who treat you like you're their best friend.' That was back when school first started."

"They've been like that for as long as they've been able to talk," Uraraka's mom spoke up finally. "Very caring and loving girls."

With everyone leaving or already gone you were leaning against the banister with Bakugo. "Can I ask you something?" He turned to you.

"Of course." You looked at him briefly before returning you gaze to the horizon.

"Yesterday, you said you knew I was better than the students from the other classes. Did you mean it?"

"I certainly did," you straightened, grasping the cold metal of the banister in your hands. "Katsuki if there's one thing I've learned about you it's that you're strong willed. But I've also learned something that you probably wouldn't think I'd know."

"Yeah, what's that, hummingbird?"

"You lack self confidence and for the life of me I don't know why," you finally turned to him. "I mean you're incredibly smart, you're a leader, I know you come off as not giving a crap but you are so caring and kind, and people look up to you, Katsuki. I look up to you."

"That's because you're shorter than me," he smirked and fought back a bark of laughter.

"That too. I just wish that when you looked in a mirror you saw the same things I did." You took his hands in yours and felt the turmoil in him lessen some. "One of the not so fun abilities of my quirk allows me to feel exactly how a person is feeling physically. Don't get me wrong it can be nice especially if I want to make sure someone truly is as okay as they say they are. But the downside is that it's not just physical pain that I get but mental pain too," you explained softly. "It's not one that I can turn on and off like the healing. This one is always on and I just have to be touching the person to see what's going on."

"That's how you knew I'd hurt my hand during the first round of battles."

"And that's how I've known since the first day of school that you feel the need to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders." You went to place a hand on his cheek but thought better of it. "You're a great person Katsuki, don't ever let anyone make you believe differently."

"Come here, hummingbird," he pulled you into a hug.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now