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"Is that what you really want?" Mina asked as the group of you walked out of the cemetery.

"Of course," you sighed. "You saw how he was. I'm sorry about that by the way. I haven't seen him that upset about everything since the week Mom passed."

"Don't be sorry, Y/N." You felt Kirishima place a hand on your shoulder. "Besides, you've got us, right?"

"I do," you agreed with a small smile.

You were quiet for a while, listening instead to the others talk about their internships. It wasn't long before your group found its way to a park and the five of you piled on the swings. It came as no surprise to you when Bakugo took one of the swings beside you.

"You were fully prepared to kick his ass, weren't you?" You asked.

"I thought he was going to hit you with the way he raised his hand," he admitted, .

"Regardless of the reason," you glanced at him from the corner of your eye. "I appreciate you looking out for me."

"Any time hummingbird."

For close to two hours you talked with your friends about the internships. You gave them a false story of what happened to your wrist, telling them you and Todoroki went too hard during a training session. They seemed satisfied with the answer and didn't press you for details. The only details they really wanted was about you taking Endeavor down.

"You were honestly able to bring him down?" Uraraka asked.

"He kept telling me to use Fatigue," you began as you picked at your cast. "Sure, I've got a little bit of control over it but I still don't enjoy using it." You filled them in quickly on what had transpired between you and Endeavor and Todoroki. "I hate seeing my friends hurt."

"That's incredibly unmanly," Kirishima noted from beside you. "I can't believe he would hurt both of you like that."

"It got the reaction he wanted," Bakugo explained.

"I was able to heal myself when I used Fatigue on him anyway," you added to Kirishima. "That's how it works, I take from them and give to myself. It's the reverse of Mending."

"That's why you passed out at the USJ," Mina realized. "You gave too much of yourself to help the others. I told you it was dangerous!"

"So did Tsu and Katsuki. Even Todoroki caught on that something was up. Besides, Aizawa still has permanent damage and isn't able to use his quirk for long periods of time. And Thirteen has scars all over his back from that stupid warping villain. But we all know we did everything we could with as little training as we had."

Uraraka smiled at your words. "She's right, you guys. We did amazing."

It wasn't long after that everyone began going their separate ways. Mina had plans with her family and Uraraka wanted to put in some extra training. "I think I'm going to head home too," Bakugo sighed.

"Me too," Kirishima agreed.

"Thank you for today," you hugged the red head. "Text me when you get home rocky."

"Sure thing," he smiled his toothy grin before holding his fist out for Bakugo. "See you later man."

"Yeah, see ya," Bakugo pounded his knuckles almost reluctantly.

"May I walk with you?" You asked after Kirishima had gone.

"If you want, I guess," he shrugged.

"It's only fair for all the times you've walked me home, Katsuki," you smiled at him. When he didn't answer after a few moments you took his hand in your good one. Instead of protesting, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, your fingers were still entwined. For the most part you two walked in silence, opting to enjoy the other's company rather than their words.

"Hey I'm home!" Bakugo yelled when he lead you into his house.

"Get cleaned up dinner will be ready in half an hour!" You heard his mom reply from the kitchen. Based off her tone you could only assume Bakugo got his temper from her.

"Did you want to stay for dinner?"

"Huh? Oh, um, sure if it's not too much trouble that'd be nice." You wandered the main floor, entranced by the smell of food.

When his mom saw you she smiled. "You're the girl with the purple mist!"

"This is Y/N," Bakugo corrected. "Y/N, this is my mom."

"It's a pleasure Mrs. Bakugo," you bowed.

"Oh please dear, call me Mitsuki," she insisted.

"How about Mama B?"

"I like her!" She grinned widely at her son.

"Yeah, whatever," Bakugo grumbled. He took your hand and pulled you towards a set of stairs. "I need to ask you something." He took you up to his room and shut the door behind him. "What really happened to you wrist?" He glared at it.

"I told y-"

"You can't lie for shit, Y/N," he interrupted, stepping up to you. "Tell me the truth. Please?"

Sighing you stepped around him and deeper into his room to sit on the edge of his bed. "You can't tell anyone, Katsuki," you added when you'd finished telling him. "Everyone needs to believe that Endeavor is the one who took down and captured the hero killer. Otherwise it could tarnish our reputation and the school's."

"I get it, Y/N," he said as he paced in front of you.

You laid back on his bed, sinking into the blanket. "Are you okay?" You wondered after a couple minutes. He didn't answer but you felt the bed shift beneath his weight and turned your head to look at him. He was glaring at the ceiling.

"I don't like that you got hurt," he started.

You couldn't help but laugh at that. "I'm not exactly thrilled about it myself. I can't use my quirk on my right side until the cast comes off. I'll need a couple of treatments from Recovery Girl though."

"I don't like seeing you hurt." His words made you smile. "I just want you to be safe all the time."

"You aren't always going to be there to make sure that happens," you whispered. "No one can be."

"I can try dammit!" He smacked the bed in anger, shocking you. "I can do everything I can to make sure you don't get hurt again."

You sighed and stood, he followed you closely. "You and I both know that's not realistic."

"I don't care." He turned you around so you were facing him. When he caressed your cheek you leaned your face into his palm. "I'm going to kiss you," he warned.

"About damn time," you teased, wrapping your arms around his torso.

His lips brushed yours softly, delicately, like butterfly wings. Just long enough that you could inhale his breath before he pulled away. Then he pressed his forehead to yours, still holding you close. The two of you stayed like that until his mom pounded on the door.

"Is your lady friend staying for dinner?" She shouted. You covered your mouth to contain your laughter.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now