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"Hey, Y/N," Uraraka stood beside your desk. "I didn't hear from you after Saturday morning. How was the rest of your weekend?"

"Fine," you sighed, leaning against your fist to look up at her. "I didn't do anything extraordinary. Just cleaned and did homework."

"You could've texted me." You could tell she was hurt a little that you hadn't. "I would've kept you company or you could've stayed with me."

"Thanks Uraraka," you forced a smile. "You're a good friend."

Aizawa was barely in the room when he announced you were all to change into your hero outfits and meet out front for the field trip for rescue training. Your heart leapt at the idea. Finally, something that I can really shine at.

You hadn't requested anything fancy when you submitted your outfit request. It consisted of a white long sleeved v-neck top that was loose enough to be comfortable. One sleeve had spiral of green mist and the other the same but in blue, the colors meeting at your chest and between your shoulder blades and blending to match the mist you produced. You had black skinny jeans and a utility belt that housed first aid supplies just in case. Finally, you requested black knee high boots with laces tie dyed green and blue.

"You ignored my texts all weekend." You recognized the voice as Bakugo's.

"Did I?" You feigned ignorance as you finished readjusting your laces, not bothering to look up at him as you spoke.

"You did."

"Interesting," you stood and bent backwards to crack your back. "I wonder why that would be?"

"I was hoping you would tell me," he shrugged in defeat.

"Nope. Ah," you held up a finger when he opened his mouth to speak again. "The bus is here." You stalked off before he could say anything.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or the USJ, I'm Space Hero Thirteen." The space suit before your class spoke. "In this facility you'll be trained and tested on your rescue skills. I understand there may be some of you who have some sort of experience in this field already?"

You rose your hand timidly, grinning nervously.

"Step forward, Y/N," Aizawa told you.

"What's the first thing you would suggest to your classmates?" Thirteen asked you.

"I would suggest remaining calm," you felt your confidence grow as you spoke. "If you come off panicked or distraught the victim could react poorly and thus make it more difficult to rescue them or others."

"Show off," you heard Kaminari mutter behind you.

"That's a great start," Thirteen nodded. "What else?"

"On top of staying calm I w- what's that?" You pointed to a deep purple mass growing near the center of the facility. "Aizawa are those?"

"Villains," he confirmed. "Thirteen keep the students safe and call for help." He was running to meet the villains.

"Get behind me," Thirteen pushed you back causing you to stumble.

"Careful." Kirishima caught you as you tripped over your own feet.

"Thanks," you glanced at him before returning your gaze to the center of the facility. There has to be at least two dozen of them.

The purple mass was before your group in a blink. You felt someone grip your wrist but your gaze was fixated on the figure before Thirteen. "We are the League of Villains," the form announced. "We came here to kill All Might but you'll have to do."

"You can try!" Bakugo hurried in front of Thirteen, Kirishima hot on his heels. "I'll kill you!"

"Wait!" You cried but it was too late. The figure separated and tendrils grew consuming your friends from all sides. "Katsuki!"

Turning in quick circles you were shocked to only see Uraraka, Iida, Mina and Sero still with you.

"Class representative Iida," Thirteen called his attention. "You need to go back to the school and get help. I can't get through."

"But that's cowardly!" He objected.

"Iida, it has to be you!" Mina explained. "No one else is fast enough."

"You'll all be in danger."

"Far worse will happen if you don't try!" You turned away from Iida hoping your message would get through to him and he would leave all the while you surveyed the scene before you. You watched as Thirteen activated his quirk, black hole, and began pulling the purple mass in.

"Not so fast," it spoke. A portal opened behind Thirteen, his own quick now pulling him apart.

"Stop!" Mina cried desperately, rushing to help the fallen instructor.

"Iida!" Sero screamed. "You need to go now!"

You fell forward activating your quick before your knees even hit the dirt. You could hear Iida's quirk activating and looked at Uraraka. "Did you see the armor?" You asked in a whisper. "If he goes for Iida I think you can use your quirk to stop him or at least slow him down."

"I think you're right," Uraraka nodded firmly. "Be careful not to overwork yourself, Y/N."

"I have to try." You turned your attention to Thirteen, the blue/green mist swirling around your forearms and hands spread over his back when you lay your hands down. "Sero, cover us!"

"Already on it!" He stood tall between you and the shapeless mass.

Uraraka's hands shook on her knees. You gave her a kind but hard look. "Remain calm," you reminded her. "You are strong Uraraka. You can do this."

"I can do this," she echoed and stood racing towards the mass as it flew after Iida.

A bead of sweat trickled down your temple. "Y/N, I'll be alright," Thirteen told you. "You need to save your strength."

"I'm fine," you grit through your teeth. "Sero, give me an update!"

"Uraraka did it, Iida made it out," he told you. "That warp guy took off somewhere else."

"Good," you pushed yourself to your feet blinking against the pain starting behind your eyes. "I'm going to help Aizawa."

"You can't!" Mina grabbed your elbow. "There's too many of them!"

"Exactly!" You glared back at her. "His quirk isn't meant for multiple combatants. He doesn't stand a chance."

"Don't," you were held firmly.

"Mina this is why we are here," you told her. Mina saw a passion in your eye that had never been there before. "To be heroes and help people. Now let go of me!" You wrenched your arm free, the fabric of your sleeve tearing in the process. You took the stairs down to the center of the facility two at a time.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now