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The day before the sports festival as you were leaving your homeroom you were surprised to see the students from the other classes blocking yours and your classmates way. Tired from all the training you'd been doing over the past weeks your anger flared quickly and you pushed passed your friends to see what was going on.

With a calming hand placed gently on Bakugo's arm you glared into crowd before you. "No show today everybody, better luck tomorrow."

"We're just seeing what the fuss is all about with 1-A." A boy with indigo hair pushed to the front of the mob. He glanced at each of your classmates in turn. "You don't seem like anything special."


You stepped in front of Bakugo, cutting him off before he could say anything stupid. "That's all relative, but I don't need to tell you that, do I Shinso?" A satisfied smile spread across your features at his startled expression. "Good luck at the festival tomorrow, I think you'll need it."

Toning out his response, you focused instead on taking Bakugo's hand and pushing through the group of students.

"You can't let them get to you, Katsuki," you explained, not bothering to look back at him. "Everyone knows you have a temper and that it's easy to get under your skin. They expect a heated reply from you when they say those things. And you give it to them. I don't know if it's because you enjoy the fight or what, but you're better than that, Katsuki. You're better than them. I know you are. You have the potential to be a phenomenal hero. Prove to me that I'm right."

After the all participating classes for the sports festival gathered. Midnight gave a small speech and announced the first event which was to be a free for all obstacle course race around the stadium.

You'd barely made the cut for the obstacle course. But you made it. And then your team came fourth in the second event, the cavalry battle. Now you just had to go toe to toe in single elimination fights. You were matched against Iida.

"Good luck," he smiled. "I hope you give your all."

I'm going to ask you to do something for me. Your mother's face flashed before your eyes.

"Yeah, you too." You slumped your shoulders and went to find a seat in the stands with the other students until your fight.

"You'll do great," Uraraka told you. "Besides, it's our first year, so we have other chances after this."

"How are you so calm?" You wondered. "You're going against Katsuki."

"It'll be a good test of my skill," she explained.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You almost jumped at how clearly you could hear your father's rage and grief.

"Fair enough," you said with a nod.

When it was time for you to go to the waiting area Uraraka went with you. "You look like you're about to throw up," she commented.

"I have to tell you something," you told her in a rush before you could back out. "About my quirk."

"What do you mean, Y/N?" She asked with a smile. "We grew up together so I know all abo-"

"You don't," you insisted. "I wanted to tell you but my father, he asked that I never tell anyone. Ever." She frowned and you could see worry in her eyes. You took a steadying breath, the memory flooding you mind. "I can do more than heal."


Can you do that for me

"You can relax muscles too, I know that."

"It's not something good," you managed to say, you dropped to the floor leaning against the wall.

"You're starting to worry me, Y/N." She sat beside you.

"You know how Todoroki doesn't use his fire because of his dad?" When Uraraka nodded you went on. "I don't use the other part of my quirk because it can harm people if I do."

"What do you mean?"

You lifted your hand, it shook as you activated your quirk. The mist that swirled around your hand was dark purple, almost black, not the usual blue/green. "The ability is called Fatigue," you whispered. "If I'm not careful it can kill whoever I'm using it on."

"Why are you telling me this?"


It's okay

"I don't think I can win without using it, Uraraka. I don't know what to do."

"You said you have to be careful with it, right? If you ask me, it's no different than using the healing ability. You just have to know when enough is enough."


I'm not scared

"I'm afraid that I won't know when to stop. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I know you Y/N, you'll know."

You forced a smile. "Thanks Uraraka. I better get going. It sounds like it's my turn."


I'm ready

You stood across the battlefield from Iida waiting for Present Mic to start the match. Focusing on taking deep, steadying breaths you tried to brace yourself for the speed attack you knew he would start with. Iida took a runners stance. Your hands shook violently.


You're so strong


Blinking on your exhale you heard Iida's engines start up. Then he was charging. In the seconds that came after the start of the match Iida was attacking but you stuck low to the ground. Sure your speed was nothing compared to his, but he towered over you and that would be his downfall.


You're my hero

It wasn't much, but you knew the impact would be great. A second was all you needed to sidestep one of his attacks and activate your quirk. Iida's shock at being dodged again distracted him while you ran your hand along the entirety of his outstretched arm. Around your own arm danced the harmful purple mist.


I love you

With his stamina depleted Iida didn't have the strength to stop himself at the speed he was going and tumbled out of bounds.

You barely heard Midnight announce you as the winner. You approached Iida as your mist flickered and changed with a thought. "I'm sorry Iida," you told him as you healed what you'd done to him. Bewilderment and shock were the only things you were gathering from him.

He stared at you, eyes wide. "What did you do?" His breathing was ragged. "You've never used your quirk like that before."

"You should go see Recovery Girl just to make sure you're okay," was all you said as you helped him to his feet. With tears staining your cheeks you bypassed Midnight and hurried off the battlefield.

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now