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The first day of camp was mildly insane to say the least. The Wild, Wild Pussycats, a hero team you admired greatly, was helping the first year hero courses train and strengthen their quirks. The first test had taken place right away with Pixie-Bob using her quirk to send your class into the forest with a landslide.

You'd landed in a tree, the small twigs cutting you as you tumbled through them. "OW!" You cried when you slammed chest first onto a branch. Bark cut into your arms when you gripped the branch to keep from falling further. You let your legs remain dangling over the one side in a pitiful attempt to catch the breath that had been knocked out of you.

"Where's Y/N?" You heard Bakugo ask below you. Glancing over your shoulder you saw that it wasn't terribly far, maybe four or five meters.

"I'm up here," you replied. "Are you guys all okay?"

"No major injuries," Momo answered in the same moment you felt Tsu's tongue wrap around your waist. She pulled you down gently and set you on your feet beside Bakugo.

"You okay, hummingbird?"

"Just some scratches," you nodded, looking him over.

Your class noticed then that Pixie-Bob continued to use her quirk to create dirt creatures for you to fight off as you trekked through the forest to the campsite.

"Y/N, can't you use your quirk on these things?" Mineta had screamed, cowering behind Shoji.

"They don't have a heartbeat," you shook your head as Bakugo dodged an attack with you in tow. "But I can be a distraction for the rest of you," you added, glancing at the blond.

"Be careful," he said in way of agreement.

So that's just what you did with Toru. The two of you running in close and gaining the clay creatures attention before herding them towards your friends. This went on for hours. You did your best to heal and restore your classmates' stamina when you could get away long enough.

It was almost dark by the time you stumbled from the forest and into camp. Shoji carried Tsu on his back, the shorter girl still exhausted though you'd slowly been working on healing her. Her soft 'ribbits' now and again had you smiling even as you hurried through your friends, eager to help them all.

"Oh, is she okay?" Mandalay asked when she saw Shoji hand Tsu over to you.

"She'll be find after some food and rest," you nodded.

"Come with me, we'll get her set up comfortably."

"Thank you, Mandalay," you smiled and lifted Tsu onto your back.

"We'll grab your things from the bus for you," Uraraka told you. Mina and Jiro were beside her nodding in agreement.

"I owe you guys," you flashed a smile their way before following Mandalay inside.

She showed you to a room that was going to sleep all the girls during camp and helped you lay Tsu down gently. "You care for your friend," Mandalay noted when you sat next to Tsu and brushed her hair away from her face.

"I care for all of my friends," you amended. Your quirk shimmered in the fading light as you gave Tsu some of your strength. "My quirk is fitting in that I can care for others. More than they realize sometimes."

"But at what cost?" Mandalay's smile was sad.

"It's tiring for me, sure," you shrugged. "But it's worth it. I couldn't have asked to have a better quirk, even if it's a support quirk at best."

"You're in the hero course for a reason, Y/N."

With your hand on Tsu's shoulder you could feel her breathing had deepened and smiled. Standing slowly so you didn't disturb her you left her alone to sleep. The others had brought their luggage in but left it lined along the wall outside the room.

You found your way to the dining hall where everyone else was gathered. A quick glance through the room had you locating the angry hedgehog. You bounded over, touching his arm gently when you reached him.

"Hey there," he glanced down at you. "How is she?"

"She's napping now." His concern for his classmates made your heart swell. "She should be okay after dinner though."

"What about you?" Bakugo asked, turning to fully face you, his scrutinizing eye roving your body for any sign of fatigue.

"I think all the running I've done has helped with my quirk," you admitted. "My eyes are a little sore but nothing worth worrying about."

"You aren't dizzy or anything?"

"I'm more curious with how you're doing, Katsuki," you took his hands in yours. "You were close to your limit again, weren't you?"

A grunt was his only answer as he allowed you to use Mending on him. When you were satisfied with your work you joined Kirishima and Tokoyami on one of the couches that adorned the common area. They'd overheard you short conversation with Bakugo.

"The running would explain why you didn't seem to tire when we were in the forest," Tokoyami gave you a somewhat puzzled look. "When did you start?"

"Hmm, maybe six weeks ago," you shrugged and fell into the empty seat beside Kirishima. "Anymore it's just relaxing for me."

"That's why I workout so much," the red head put in.

"And here I thought it was because of how manly it is," you snickered, elbowing him in jest.

"Well, yeah, that too."

It was almost three when you woke on the third day. You were listening to some music while you were stretching in the main common area when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Stifling a scream you whipped around. "Mr. Aizawa!"

"Training doesn't begin for a few more hours," he stated bluntly.

"I'm going for a run."

"Nightmares again?"

"Actually not this time," you smiled. "I don't have them everyday anymore. But the exercise is nice and it gives me time to myself. I guess it's like my meditation."

Your teacher stared at you blankly, indifferent to your reasoning. "Stay in sight of the cabin, will you?"

"Sure thing," you agreed. "I'll just run the perimeter of the clearing."

"Try not to tire yourself out too much."

"I make no promises," you smirked before leaving.

Aizawa left you to your thoughts as you ran, however after half an hour you did see Kendo from class 1-B hovering around. "Care to join me?" You called over, slowing to a light jog.

"I was thinking about it," she admitted.

"You should," you encouraged. "It'll help wake you up, come on."

"Not a very convincing argument but fine." The orange haired girl caught up to you easily. "Is this something you do every morning?"

"For the most part, yes. But only for the past handful of weeks."


"Endurance training. I've been throwing in some workouts lately though to work other muscle groups."

"That explains the push ups I saw you do earlier."

"And the crunches we'll do in about two laps," you added. "That is, if you think you can handle it."

When she didn't respond you took her silence as agreement to the challenge. After two laps you got yourself ready for the crunches. "Five sets of twenty, Kendo."

"You're actually crazy," she panted. "You know that?"

"One person's crazy is another's normal."

When the Strong are Weak [Bakugo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now