Authors note: The story, the characters and the timeline

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The story

- This is a Game of Thrones Fan Fiction story. As such I do not own any of the characters or the world where the story is set.

- This story is set in the universe of the TV show. I aim for it to be completely canon according to the story that was told there. But I do use some book characters to fill out the cast when necessary and I also use some backstory from the books.

- I am (just like most of the rest of the world) of the opinion that the ending of the show sucked. It sucked so damn bad. Writing this story is basically my therapy for that ending. And while I will not change the ending I do aim to fix the damage that was done later in the story. Fret not, Gendry and Meera are here to give you a better ending!

- Below follows a list of the characters, places, and timeline I will use for this story. If you've watched the show you probably already know most of the characters and places though but I figured it would be good to contextualize the story.

The characters

Our heroes

Gendry Baratheon: Our wildly unprepared and under-qualified hero. He's not the strongest, he's not the smartest and he's not the most handsome. But dammit he got heart!

He's a blacksmith, he's the bastard son of the former king Robert Baratheon and he's just been legitimized as his father's son which means he's now the Lord of the castle Storm's End. He grew up an orphan in King's Landing. He went to hell and back on a journey taking him all across Westeros. On this journey he was chased by the king's guard who wanted to kill him because of who is father was, he was tortured at Harrenhall, he had his virginity taken by a witch who plied him with leeches and he was almost burned alive as a sacrifice by his uncle but at the last second he was saved by Davos Seaworth. So fun times all around... He did also befriend Arya Stark on this journey though. Then he rowed for 3 years before once again appearing in King's Landing. Only to decide to go to hell again... This time he went North with Jon Snow and ended up running a marathon back to the wall to send for help. Then he followed Jon to Winterfell to help prepare weapons for the coming war against the dead. Here he reunited with Arya Stark and they ended up banging right before the big battle. After the battle, Gendry gets legitimized as a Baratheon by the Queen and thinks it's a great idea to propose to Arya. It's not... she turns him down and he is left heartbroken. And this is where his story here begins.

I approximate Gendry's age to be about 22 in this story (making him 17 when he left King's Landing with Arya).

Gendry's last appearance in the show was in episode 8.4 (his brief appearance in epi 8.6 notwithstanding as we get no information on what he has been up to in the meantime, this story will fill that gap).

Meera Reed: Our much more prepared and qualified heroine. She's a fierce warrior and remarkably good at pulling sleds for a prolonged time.

Meera Reed is the Lady of Grey Tower, a castle located in the swampy area called the Neck that separates the North from the South. She and her brother Jojen went North to help Bran Stark find his destiny after Jojen had visions of this happening. They found Bran together with his helper Hodor and dire wolf Summer. They helped Bran become the Three-eyed Raven (whatever that is?). But Jojen dies during this mission. Then Hodor and Summer also die as they are forced to escape the Night King. Meera is the only one left and she is forced to pull Bran's ungrateful ass back to Winterfell all by herself. Although he isn't really Bran anymore... When they return to Winterfell Bran thanks Meera by saying that he doesn't need her anymore and she leaves to go home to her father. This is where her story begins.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now