44: Tomorrow

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The storm had settled the next morning. The ground was still wet and leaves and branches laid all over the courtyard. But the sun was once again shining and the clouds had dissipated. Everything was as it should be, and yet everything was different.

Gendry had finally fallen asleep in the early morning hours. All the excitement from the night before had left him awake most of the night, just thinking of her, knowing she was there, knowing she would be his. It was a thrilling thought.

He was roughly awoken by Devan making a grand entrance into the lord's bedroom.

The door still didn't have a lock. It really needed a lock.

Because soon Gendry would not be sleeping alone there anymore. He would soon share his room and his bed with his wife. That thought made him smile, it made his whole body tingle, it made him feel warm inside. Meera was here, she was in his castle, and she would be his wife. And the only thing he wanted to do was to go find her and kiss her.

"Gendry, is it true what my mother says?" Devan asked as he sat down on the bed. "That Lady Reed is here. That you will marry her."

Gendry just nodded, lost in his own thoughts. Then he realized how damn close to him Devan was sitting and gave him a kick.

"Dev, what are you doing on my bed? I'm not even dressed," he snapped. "Go sit on the couch that you've ruined."

Devan reluctantly moved over towards the couch while Gendry tried to locate his shirt. Why did the maids always hide his clothes in different drawers? He never had these kinds of problems as a blacksmith.

"You didn't answer my question, Gendry," Devan continued.

"It's true. Meera's here. I asked her to marry me. And I'm about to go find out where your mother hid her."

"So my mother is on you about women too now..."

"Well, Marya might have caught us kissing in the forge..."

"Just kissing?"

"Just kissing. While she was sitting on top of me..."

"So not just kissing?"

"Maybe not."

Gendry smiled. In fact, he couldn't stop smiling. They had just been kissing, but if Marya hadn't walked in they might have done more. He wanted to do more. And once they were married no one would be able to stop them, not even Marya.

"Gendry, you look like a damn fool," Devan said. "You've been smiling the whole time we've been talking."

"I'm just... so darn happy. Because I didn't think I would get to have her. But now suddenly... I'll get to marry her. I'll get to be with her forever. I can hardly believe it's true. That's why I need to go find her, to confirm it's actually real."

Gendry had finally found his shirt now and sat down on the bed to put it on.

"It's real, Gendry. You better believe it. And I'm happy for you too. I know how much you care for her, and she for you. It was obvious just during the short time I saw you together in the capital."

Just as he said that Marya knocked on the door. Unlike her son, she didn't just barge in.

"You can come in Marya," Gendry replied. "I'm dressed. And your son is already here. He didn't really care about the dressed part..."


In one of the castle's guest rooms, Meera sat eating some breakfast that Marya had brought for her. It was true what Gendry had said. Marya was actually really sweet and had taken good care of her. The night before Marya had warmed water for her so she could wash off and also brought dry clothes for her to change into. Then in the morning she had brought Meera's own clothes back, washed and dried. She wondered if Marya ever slept.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now