Bonus: The cat and the crocodile

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So... I wrote this for fun, and because I got seriously stupid humor... I'm truly sorry about this... It's a continuation of the collage of characters in the last chapter, for two characters that I think deserve a spotlight as well.

The sun dawned upon Ser Pounce. Who was now renamed Ser Pie, although the cat did of course not listen to either of these names.

A cat who had been destined to live a life in luxury in the capital, pampered and sheltered but never truly free to just be a cat. Now living every cat's dream in a cottage surrounded by woods to roam in the search of squirrels and mice.

Ser Pounce was this morning sleeping, rolled up into a ball, on a sack of flour next to a baking oven. This was the toastiest place in the whole house, so of course, that's where he slept. As the sunlight started to stream in through the windows the cat stretched out with its paws, flexing its claws as it did. It was not time to get up yet.

Flour flew in the air around the cat and the whole place was filled with a delicious smell of newly baked goods. Work had already started for the day in the bakery where the cat slept.

The cat did, of course, not show a care in the world for what was going on around it. It simply rolled a bit and got even cozier in its comfortable spot.

A chubby man, that the cat had decided to adopt as his, was the one who was baking. The man often fed Ser Pounce scraps, slices of ham and meat, from the pies he baked, and therefore the cat had naturally taken a liking to the man. Although he might still prefer his other underling, the blonde freckly girl, who every morning put out milk for the cat and scratched its fluffy belly as it rolled in the grass. She also let the cat play with her braids whenever it fancied.

Suddenly the cat sprung awake! It went from sound asleep to running in mere seconds. The cat ran straight over the baking table, getting paw prints all over the dough, and then lunged elegantly into the air. Flying in an arch towards its intended target. And a moment later it appeared from behind the table with a mouse in its mouth. Looking mighty proud of itself.

The man shrieked as he saw the cat's prey. The cat didn't care. It took the mouse outside and started to devour it. Headfirst, because that's clearly the tastiest part.

When the cat was done eating its breakfast it started an extended washing-up session, licking paws, head, tail, and everything else.

Then it was time for another nap. After all the morning had been full of strenuous activities. So it sauntered over to the sunniest spot in the garden outside the cottage and stretched out. And this was how Ser Pounce spent the rest of his morning. Sunbathing, rolling, frolicking.


The sun dawned upon the baby crocodile who once bit Jon Snow. Who of course did not have a name, because she's a crocodile (yes, it's a girl, don't ask me how I know). But let's call her Chompy for this story, it fits I think.

Who was destined to live of chomping stuff: boots, beavers, fish, other crocodiles, logs, rocks, unsuspecting passers-by (I promise to keep her away from Tyrek Lannister, he needs his remaining leg). And well... that's still the life Chompy was living at this point. The destiny of a crocodile rarely changes that much. Unless you turn them into a purse, but purses aren't really a thing in Westeros.

Chompy was happily chomping away at a log this morning. Since she was still a baby crocodile she couldn't really tell inanimate objects from prey. But it still made her very happy to chomp on that log, so who cares? Not Chompy.

While doing this she was also making a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laser gun (no Game of Thrones characters would of course not know this sound. But they are not the ones describing the sound, I, the author, is. And I know how a laser gun sounds like). This sound attracted several of the equally chompy friends and they all chomped away at the same log happily for a few hours.

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