46: Alone together

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Mature warning: Well as you might have figured out, this is Gendry and Meera's wedding night... which means they are about to do some mature stuff.

Meera laid on the bed in the lord's bedroom. Waiting for her husband to arrive.

The bed was sprinkled with flower petals. Purple and pink just like the flowers in her hair. They smelled like the fields of the Stormlands. The lands of her husband.

She wore a sheer lacy nightgown. Her shoulders were bare and so were her legs from the knees down. It felt weird wearing so little. After all, she was from the North, where full coverage usually was what the weather required.

Before leaving Meera by herself Marya had helped her get the wedding dress off. Marya seemingly didn't trust Gendry to undress Meera without ripping it. They had also had an embarrassing and educational talk about the duties of a bride during the wedding night.

She felt odd laying there. Like it wasn't actually her. This wasn't Meera Reed. She wasn't a blushing bride laying waiting for her husband to come and take her. Although she wasn't Meera Reed anymore, she was Meera Baratheon.

But she still was no blushing bride. So she sat up on the bed. The flower petals rustled on the covers. Some of them had attached to her hair and nightgown.

She looked around the room. His room. Their room. Candles were lit all around her. Flower petals were scattered on the floor as well. Marya had gone all out preparing the room for their wedding night.

The only thing missing was him. Her husband. Gendry. And he was the only thing she needed.

Suddenly she heard the door handle rattling. The door opened. And he was there. So handsome, so perfect, so nervous. He was hers and she was his. He was her husband and she was his wife.

He smiled at her. His smile hit her right in the chest. It made her insides flutter. It made her blush. She didn't know what to say and neither did he it seemed like. Suddenly shy towards each other when knowing they could do whatever they wanted. And they wanted to do so much.

Gendry walked up to where Meera was sitting and stretched out his hand towards her.

"Come here," he said.

She took his hand. She would always take his hand. His hand that still had the rough edges of a blacksmith. Rough, but not sharp. Worn in by hard labor and suffering.

And he pulled her in and embraced her. His arms around her. Her arms around him.

His hands touched her skin over the thin nightgown. It felt thrilling to have him so close. Welcoming. Like she had waited her whole life for his hands to touch her. And soon they would touch her bare skin.

She could hear his heartbeat. She could feel his chest move as he breathed. He seemed tense, perhaps scared. But she could sense him relaxing as she held him. Truth be told she was a bit scared too, but having his embrace relaxed her as well.

They were alone together. At last. No one could disturb them. Nothing else mattered. All that existed was them. And they could do whatever they wanted. Which was scary, but also exhilarating.

"My wife," he said and kissed the top of her head.

"My husband," she replied and reached up to kiss him.

His lips against hers felt so comfortable, so familiar, so safe. Kissing wasn't scary. They had that part figured out by now. But whatever came next felt a little bit scary. It was unknown, uncharted territory.

They held each other for a few more moments. Not saying anything. Just standing there together. Feeling each other so close. Calming each other down.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now