27: For our fathers

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"Nice to see you decided to join us again, Lord Baratheon," Tyrion Lannister said as Gendry stepped up on the stage for the last day of the council. "Have you calmed down now?"

"Yes, I'm sorry about that.." Gendry replied, trying to keep his promise to Meera to be more careful.

"We can all understand that you might not know how to behave in these kinds of situations, but outbursts like that are usually frowned upon," Tyrion continued.

"Your behavior will have consequences if it continues," the King added. "The Stormlands might be behind you now but if the crown is not, they will soon abandon you too. They will realize you are not your father, you're just a bastard."

Gendry just nodded, trying to not take the bait. A commoner with a bad temper and no manners, that's what they all saw him as. And maybe that was true. But that didn't mean that he was less than them. That didn't mean he couldn't fight for what he thought was right. That didn't mean that he would give in and become like them.

"Since Lord Baratheon is back maybe we can continue the discussion regarding food from yesterday," Howland Reed suddenly said behind Gendry. "I got a suggestion for how we can feed the people without risking them revolting against us."

"Carry on, Lord Reed," Tyrion said.

"I suggest we pool our resources together from our castles, if we have any, and dispense it to the people at a couple of other locations. I pass by the Cross Roads Inn on my way back and I can discuss the matter with the owner there. Then we can transport our resources there and feed people there instead. Any other lords can do the same at other locations if you don't wish to invite the people into your own castles."

"Very well, Lord Reed," Tyrion replied. "That sounds like a good solution for you, because of the crocodile situation at your castle. Are there any other lords who wish to do the same?"

It was silent for a moment while the lords all seemed to ponder.

Then someone got up. A young man at the end. Robin Arryn. Who had for the majority of the council looked too young and too bored to participate. At one point it had actually seemed like he had fallen asleep against Lord Royce's shoulder. But now he was awake.

"I, I will join Lord Reed and pool my resources to the Cross-Roads Inn," he said. "We got plenty of resources in the Eyrie. We can share it with the ones who need it. My father was a friend of Lord Reed and of Lord Baratheon's father and I'm sure he would be happy for me to support them and join their cause."

Next to Robin, Lord Royce was glaring at him. Lord Royce did not have much patience or sympathy for commoners.

Then Tyrek Lannister also got up. And he was joined by Edmure Tully and Paxter Redwyne. They also had resources and were willing to share them, just far away from their own castles.

"You are all free to do as you like," the King said. "I can't stop you from feeding people. As long as you do it on your own lands. But don't expect the crown to help you when the commoners rise against you."

Gendry was fuming again at the audacity. But he kept himself seated. He wasn't going to be a fool again.

He felt Davos' hand on his leg again, holding him back from rising. He put his hand on Davos' hand, to show him that he wasn't going to rise this time. He could control himself. Davos looked over at him and Gendry could see in his eyes that he was just as upset. But they needed to behave so they wouldn't lose what little power they had.

And at least they had won a small victory in that some of the lords had agreed to feed the people. Maybe Gendry's outburst had made a difference after all. Maybe he wasn't just a commoner with a bad temper. Or maybe that was just what he was and that was enough.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now