45: Lady Baratheon

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All around the cave candles lit up the white limestone walls, creating flickering shadows. On the furthest wall, a pattern of roots reached down like arms trying to embrace the people gathered. Among the roots hints of ancient carvings could be found. Faces, people, animals, the depictions of a civilization that used to be. The trickling of water could be heard as the rain from the day before made its way down the cave walls.

This was where Lord Gendry Baratheon stood awaiting his bride.

This was it. No hesitation, no fear, no turning back. This was his wedding. This was their wedding. This was where forever began.

As the cave was so small only a few select witnesses were present. Lord Penrose had been selected to officiate the wedding as he was familiar with the customs of the old gods. Usually, this was done by the groom's father, but this groom had no father or other male relatives alive. Devan, Marya, Brynda, and the younger Seaworth boys were also present. The newlyweds would be presented to the rest of the invited guests at the feast afterward.

"Are you nervous?" Devan asked as he walked up next to Gendry.

Gendry shook his head.

"Well, your hands are shaking," Devan said.

Gendry looked down and realized that his friend was right.

"I'm not nervous," he said. "I'm excited... and scared perhaps. Scared I won't be enough. That I will let her down."

Devan put his hand on Gendry's shoulder.

"You're enough, Gendry," he said. "You know you are. And that's why she came to you. Just enjoy this, it's your wedding."

Gendry nodded and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He looked down at his hands again, they had stopped shaking.

When he looked up she stood there in the entrance of the cave. His bride, Lady Meera Reed. Escorted by Ser Balon Swann.

Meera smiled at Gendry and all his fears disappeared. Instead, a rush of happiness flowed through his entire body and everything started to tingle. She was there, and she was all he ever wanted.

His bride looked like the beautiful lands where she came from. She looked like hanging moss, lush cypress trees, and water lilies. Her dress was in white lace, her cloak was deep green and in her curly hair were purple and pink flowers.

The dress cascaded around her as she walked towards her groom, falling like a waterfall all the way down to the cave floor. The wide bell sleeves fluttered in the slight breeze streaming through the cave.

He couldn't stop looking at her. She was so indescribably beautiful, and she was his.

Ser Swann led Meera up to where Gendry was standing, by the wall of the cave with the roots and carvings. But they stopped a little bit ahead so that ser Swann could present the bride. This was usually done by the bride's father, but since Howland Reed was currently defending his home Ser Swann had volunteered to do it in his stead.

"Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" Lord Penrose asked.

"Meera, of House Reed, comes here to be wed. A trueborn and noble woman. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Ser Swann replied, according to the customs.

Gendry stepped forward so he stood opposite Meera.

"Gendry, of House Baratheon, son of Robert Baratheon," he said. "Holder of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. Who gives her?"

"Ser Balon Swann, who fought against her father but will now fight beside him to bring back his lands."

Ser Swann stepped aside and Meera took a few steps forward so she was standing right in front of Gendry.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now