Bonus: Kisses

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If you wondered how it would look like when Gendry and Meera kiss, look no further! My friend @AzulMidnight is also a talented artist and drew these images for me. This is probably the closest I will get to actually seeing the characters together (unless Joe Dempsie and Ellie Kendrick decide to act together in a film set in medieval times).

She drew two different versions that are both shown below. In my mind, these images picture the second kiss during the scene on the balcony of the castle (so right after Gendry says "Let it all fall apart. Let the world shatter. But please don't go" and pulls her in for another kiss).

Please tell me what you think of them!

Please tell me what you think of them!

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The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now