36: You can't wait forever

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Gendry and Devan stood atop the tower of Storm's End looking down towards the sapphire-colored water that surrounded the island of Tarth. They saw the Dornish ships attacking the enemy ships. They were soon victorious. In a rain of canon calls and fire, the Iron fleet went down. Coloring the waters black and orange before turning back to blue.

"So I did the right thing. At least concerning my duties to protect Tarth," Gendry said. "I just hope I didn't give up too much to the Queen of Dorne."

"We'll deal with that another day, Lord Baratheon," Devan replied. "Just like we dealt with this."

"I just hope that day doesn't come."

But that day would come. On the worst possible day. On a day when Gendry would definitely not want to fight any battles. On the day when his first child was born.

"So I guess the people from the island are going home again now?" Devan asked.

Devan looked concerned and Gendry knew why. Devan was never discrete about his emotions, or about anything really. It was obvious that Devan was very fond of Lady Brynda of Tarth. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off her since he arrived back from Tarth.

"They will need to rebuild and reinforce on the island," Gendry replied. "So I think it's safer if they stay here a while longer."

"Good," Devan replied with a look of relief on his face. "I mean, I wouldn't want them to go back before it's safe."

"I figured that would please you since it means Lady Brynda will be here for a while longer."

Devan looked over at Gendry in surprise.

"Oh, so you know?"

"I mean... if it was supposed to be a secret you're not exactly hiding it very well. You're practically following her around everywhere."

Devan sighed and looked guilty. Then he slumped down against the outer wall of the tower, sitting down with his back against it. Looking a lot like the little kid he almost still was.

"Gendry, can I talk to you about something?" he said with a serious look on his face. Devan almost never looked serious.

"Since you're calling me Gendry, I assume this is not an official matter," Gendry replied and sat down next to Devan. He patted Devan's knee as he sat down.

"No, I need to talk to you as my friend and brother," Devan replied while fiddling with the buttons on his jacket. Whatever he needed to talk about seemed to make him nervous.

"Then I will reply as the same."

Devan looked over at Gendry with a nervous smile on his face. Then he confessed.

"I... laid with her last night. Lady Brynda."

"Dev...I guess I should be happy for you as that means she must like you too. But you need to be careful. If her family finds out what you two have been up to you might never get to see her again. "

"That's what my mother would say too... She's very concerned about me siring bastards."

"I guess I should be offended about that, seeing as I am one. But most bastards aren't as lucky as me. Your mother is right to be concerned. How the hell did you and Brynda manage to sneak past Marya into your bedroom anyway? She's been on you two as a hawk."

"We weren't in my bedroom."

"So where were you hiding from your mother then?"

"In your bedroom... My mother would never dare to go in there, you're the lord of the castle."

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now