34: Read it yourself

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The door to the Lord's bedroom flew open as Devan Seaworth entered. Devan always knew how to make a proper entrance, and he never ever knocked. His hair was as unkempt as ever and his jacket wasn't buttoned.

"A raven arrived with a letter from the island of Tarth, Lord Baratheon," he said. "You want to read it yourself?"

Gendry was sitting by the desk together with Stannis Seaworth, Devan's younger brother, engaged in studying books on the history of house Baratheon. Behind them, Steffon Seaworth, their youngest sibling, was busy climbing the canopy of Gendry's bed. Devan had at first taken on the task of teaching Gendry how to read himself but after a few squabbles between them during lessons, they had both agreed that Stannis, who was much more patient and studious than his older brother, would be a better teacher. Steffon had joined in on the lessons since Marya thought he also needed further schooling. Although Steffon usually spent most of the lessons trying to climb something, rather than studying his books. Steffon was not a child who liked to sit still.

"Give it to me and I'll try," Gendry replied. "Hopefully the Lord of Tarth's handwriting isn't too bad."

Gendry opened the letter and read it to himself. He definitely wasn't going to sound out the words out loud so that everyone could hear him struggling.

"If it says what I think it does, it's not good," Gendry said as he finished reading it. "So I'm kind of hoping my reading skills are failing me in this instance."

Devan took the letter out of his hand and read it himself.

"I'm afraid you've read it quite accurately," Devan said after he was done.

"Find Lord Penrose and Ser Swann and meet me in the Great Hall. We need to figure out what to do right away," Gendry replied.

"Will do, Lord Baratheon," Devan said and turned around and exited the room. The door made a loud bang as it closed after him and some of the painting of the walls swayed slightly. Devan certainly had a way of making a proper exit from a room as well.

Gendry turned to Stannis next to him after Devan had left the room.

"Sorry Stan, I'm afraid we have to end today's lesson early today," he said and got up from his seat. "Could you please try to get your brother down from the bed before he hurts himself?"

"Of course, Lord Baratheon," Stannis responded. "I've seen Steff climb way higher stuff than that though and he's never hurt himself."

"Well, get him down before he breaks the bed then. I would like to be able to sleep there tonight."

With that Gendry left the room to tend to the urgent matter. He made sure to close the door a bit more carefully than Devan has just done. Stannis was left trying to corral his younger brother down from the canopy of the bed.


Every time Gendry entered the Great Hall of Storm's End he had to remind himself that it was actually his hall, where he ruled from. It sounded as ridiculous every time. The hall took up a whole floor of the tower of Storm's End. It was round in shape just like the tower itself and high narrow windows on all sides let the sunlight in. Around the windows curtains in yellow velvet hung, attached so high up that Gendry couldn't help wonder how they had been put up there and by who. The walls were of grey stone, just like the rest of the castle, with carvings in intricate patterns. Tables were placed in a U-shape all around the room, ending in a table set a bit higher up on a stage at the furthest end. This was where the lord was supposed to sit while addressing his people. Because Gendry Baratheon was now suddenly someone who had people to address, people who were dependant on him. It all was still quite surreal, even as he had performed the duties of a lord every day for several months by now.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now