35: Dark waters

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The Seaworth ships set sail towards the Island of Tarth on a cloudy night when the moonlight wouldn't shine upon them and betray their arrival. The lanterns on the ship were not lit. All around them was only darkness. Dark water and dark skies, indistinguishable from each other.

Devan Seaworth stood by the railing of the ship in front. Looking down at the darkness beside him. The darkness that had been the last thing his brother Mathos had seen before he perished. Dark water and exploding wildfire all around him. And then his brother had died, never becoming older than Devan was now. It was a weird thing, becoming older than your older brother. Mathos would always be that boy who never came back, while his brothers grew old. Only a memory of a friendly smile, a helpful hand, and an unwavering loyalty to his family remained. Mathos Seaworth had died, but he would also never die in his family's memory. He would never grow old, he would never fail, he would never let them down. Only the living can do that.

"Take care of them," Mathos had said. "Take care of your mother and brothers, Dev."

It was the last thing Mathos had told Devan before he left forever. And Devan was failing at it. He knew that. He hadn't taken care of them. When he found out that his brother was gone he had left instead. He had joined the siege at Storm's End. Because he couldn't stand being around their home at Cape Wrath knowing his brother would never come back.

Devan failed all the time. He failed at being the oldest brother he was never supposed to be. He failed at being the responsible and honest man his mother thought he should be. He failed at forgiving his father for his mistakes and shortcomings. Because he wasn't his brother, the perfect Mathos Seaworth who would never die.

But today Devan wouldn't fail. He had set out to save people and that's what he would do.

Since his brother's death Devan had kept away from the sea. Determined to not meet the same destiny as his brother. He wasn't going to be swallowed by the dark waters. But yet here he was, leading a fleet into the darkest of waters. And he was scared. Scared of failing. Scared of being swallowed by darkness like his brother. But fear wouldn't stop him.

Guided by smuggler maps left behind by Devan's father the ships navigated towards the island of Tarth. The maps revealed a cove under the castle where they should be able to pick up the people safely. A raven had been sent to Lord Selwyn about their arrival and he would make sure that the women and children were gathered in the cove.

The Seaworth ships weren't big, but they were fast and easy to navigate in the strait between the island and the mainland. There was no sign of the Iron Fleet as they approached the island. Hopefully, they had laid anchor for the night.

The water turned blue as it got shallower closer to the cove. The white sand on the bottom lit it up despite the lack of moonlight. This change of color made Devan a bit calmer. The waters weren't as dark as death anymore.


Lady Brynda of Tarth stood at the shore in the cove where they had been told to wait for the ships to get them. Her uncle Lord Selwyn of Tarth had forced her to join the women and the children who were to leave the island. She would have preferred to stay and fight instead.

All women of Tarth were taught to fight with a sword from a young age. Although she was far from the skill level of her cousin Brienne, Brynda could certainly stand up in a fight against most men. But her uncle had still insisted that she'd leave, as the Iron Islanders were known to commit unspeakable acts against women captured in battle. And she had given in to his wishes as she figured the people leaving the island needed someone to defend them if the ships got discovered.

So there she stood, sword by her side, awaiting a rescue she didn't need. Brynda was tall, everyone in her family was. Her blonde hair was braided and put up into a crown around her head, it was a good way to keep it out of her way when she practiced fighting. Her eyes were as blue as the sapphire-colored water around the island she called her home.

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