11: Please trust me

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At last, Gendry was standing there, in front of the home of his father. The castle Storm's End. He was standing at the edge of the moat, Devan was standing beside him on one side and Ser Balon Swann was standing beside him on the other side. His armies were standing behind him with the Baratheon banners raised high.

They needed to get Tyrek Lannister forfeit Storm's End to Gendry. In theory, it should be easy since Tyrek was supposedly only holding the castle for House Baratheon and Gendry was a Baratheon now. In practice, it would probably be harder since Tyrek would have no reason to accept him as such. But Gendry brought an offer for Tyrek that he hopefully wouldn't be able to resist. An offer from Tyrion Lannister.

The castle was so much bigger than he could have ever imagined. The moot was as wide as a river, the grey stone walls were high and steep as cliffs and the tower in the middle rose so high it almost touched the clouds. It was not a beautiful castle but it was a strong castle. A castle serving its purpose better than most castle as it had proven to be impossible for attacking armies to overtake.


The parlay would be held on the bridge over the moot as Gendry's men deemed it unsafe for him to enter the castle and Tyrek's men deemed it unsafe for him to leave it. So the bridge was the only safe place. Two chairs were put out for the two men. It had been decided that no advisors or soldiers would join them during the parlay.

Tyrek Lannister was so very young, still almost a child. He had the height of a man but the features of a child. Blonde locks framed a face where a beard wasn't yet growing. He didn't look threatening, not at all. This made Gendry feel a little bit less nervous about the whole thing. But his hands were still shaking, his mouth was dry and he could feel sweat running down his back. He hoped Tyrek didn't notice his obvious nervousness.

"So who exactly are you Gendry Baratheon?" Tyrek asked. "You said you are the son of Robert Baratheon. But all his legitimate sons are dead."

"I am his bastard son. Anyone who knew him can vouch for that, they say I look just like him."

"But that doesn't mean anything if you are not legitimized. That doesn't give you any right to claim this castle."

"I was legitimized by Queen Danaerys."

"And that might mean something to you and to those who follow her. But it doesn't mean anything to me. She's not my queen. The Dragon Queen can't give you this castle."

"I know she's not your queen. Not yet. But when she wins this war she will be. And if you give me this castle now she will show mercy towards you. She's not known for mercy. She burns her enemies with dragon fire."

"If I give you this castle now I will have nothing. I will be a traitor to my queen, my cousin Cersei, and have nothing to bargain with."

"I don't ask to walk away from here with nothing. I bring a letter from your cousin Tyrion Lannister, with an offer to you if you forfeit this castle to me now."

Gendry handed Tyrek a letter that he had been carrying with him from Winterfell. A letter written by Tyrion Lannister.

"Tyrion... why would I take any offer from a man without honor? He killed his father, he killed King Joffrey. Why would I trust him?"

"Read it, please. Then you can decide whether to trust him or not."

Tyrek read the letter in silence. Hopefully, the letter actually said what Tyrion had claimed he had written. Gendry realized he should have made Devan read it beforehand to make sure, but it was too late now.

"Lord of Casterly Rock... It's a good offer."

Tyrek put his hands through his blonde locks and sighed. He seemed torn. Like he wanted to take the offer but wasn't sure if he would trust the validity of it.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now