40: Walk away

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The ground shook as the Knights of the Vale marched towards the capital. In front rode Lord Robin Arryn, just a teenage boy, out to save the father of the woman he loved. His wife, Desmera, who was expecting his child. He didn't know that yet though. But he knew he loved her, with every fiber of his being. The kind of love reserved for the very young who are yet to get burned by life. The kind of love that makes you commit foolish acts and hasty decisions. The kind of love that consumes you and eats you up.

The field outside the capital was still marked from the previous battle that went down there when the Dragon Queen defeated Cersei Lannister's forces. This was where Robin Arryn told his armies to stand. He had only brought half of his forces with him, leaving the rest behind at the Eyrie, because he wanted to make sure Desmera was as safe as she could be. Nothing could happen to Desmera, ever. Still, he had 20 000 men with him, a larger force than anyone else in the kingdom commanded.

Robin walked towards the gate of the capital all by himself. He was just a boy, but as he walked there he didn't look like one anymore. He still had no beard and his frame lacked the definition of muscles, but despite that, he had a determination and stride that made him look like a man.

Just a little bird who was never supposed to fly, suddenly flying so high. Robin was a lord, a husband, and soon a father. And he stood outside the capital of the kingdom with an army big enough to take down the king if he chose to.

The gate to the capital was rebuilt after being burned by dragon fire. The walls surrounding it had been patched up as well. Although there were still black burn marks visible in certain parts and some of the bricks appeared cracked. Life goes on even after a disaster, but the scars from it can never truly be erased.

"I need to talk to the king," Robin said, loud and clear, to the guards manning the gate. His voice had the depth of a man's these days.

Soon the king was wheeled out by his Kingsguard knight, Podrick Payne, who he then told to leave. And then they stood there, alone, face to face. Robin and Bran.

Two cousins. Two boys. One the king of Westeros. One manning the biggest military power in the kingdom.

Although one of them was not a boy at all. He was something else entirely.

Soon they weren't alone though as Bronn also walked out the gates. Holding a tied up and gagged Paxter Redwyne, who looked relieved when he saw his son-in-law standing there. Lord Redwyne's hair was red just like his daughter's, although it was starting to grey and thin out a bit, and his eyes were green as the vineyards of the lands he fought for dominion over. A father of three children and soon a grandfather.

"Robin," the King said. "I knew you would come here."

"Your Majesty. Please call me Lord Arryn, not Robin," Robin replied. "That might have been the name you called me when we played as children. But that was a long time ago. We're not children anymore, Bran."

"Lord Arryn, I guess you're not Robin anymore and I'm not Bran," the King said with a hint of a smile. "I assume you've come for Lord Redwyne."

"Yes, I've come to free him and defend his claim to Highgarden. I and my armies won't leave until you give me that. I can take the capital if I chose to, you know that. I only got half of my forces behind me and I still got twice as many men as you do."

"I know you can take the capital. But you won't. You will walk away."

"If you give me what I want I will. I have no wish to wear that crown. I only want to go home to my wife and tell her that her family is safe."

"You really love that Redwyne girl, don't you Robin?"

"It's still Lord Arryn... Bran" Robin said with a sigh, he was getting a bit tired of getting disrespected. "I do love her. And that's why I will take you down if I need to. I'll rule the kingdom if I have to. I do anything. For her."

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now