29: Coming home

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Spring was coming and the green fields of the Stormlands had started to bloom. They were filled with daffodils and bluebells swaying in the wind. The wind carried with it white and pink petals from the wild cherry trees in the woods. Beyond the flowering fields, the tower of Storm's End reached as high as ever. As Gendry saw the tower of the castle in the distance a wave of happiness hit him, a feeling he had never had before. The feeling of coming home.

To be able to come home you have to have a home. And Gendry Baratheon had never actually had a home before. He had been brought up in the backroom of a tavern for his first few years and after that in a crowded orphanage. Once he had started working in the blacksmith's workshop he had slept on the floor of the forge every night. Those had been places to sleep, but they hadn't been homes. But Storm's End was his home. His first home.

As he arrived through the gates of the castle the atmosphere seemed less than welcoming though. The courtyard was filled with people, refugees from the capital. People seemed to be living in tents right there in the courtyard. It was noisy, dirty, and quite frankly smelly.

Marya Seaworth stood by a table dispensing food. It looked like she had a whole line going with people handing out different kinds of food and writing down on lists who had received what. Which was exactly what was to be expected from Marya Seaworth. She seemed to have things under control.

And in the middle of the courtyard stood Courtnay Penrose, looking anything but pleased with the chaos around him.

"Lord Baratheon, you got some things to answer for," the annoyed-looking man said as soon as Gendry entered the castle.

Gendry got off his horse and walked up to his advisor, through the masses of people swarming in the courtyard.

"No, I don't," he said as he reached Lord Penrose. "I'm the lord of this castle which means I don't answer to anyone. But I do need to talk to you and Ser Swann, to ask your advice regarding what to do with all these people. I have a plan and I want to know what you think."

Lord Penrose looked surprised at Gendry's frankness and newfound confidence. For once he didn't protest.

"I will find Ser Swann and meet up with you in the Great Hall shortly, Lord Baratheon" was all he managed to get out.


After the three men had discussed the matter among themselves they all stepped out on the courtyard together. Gendry was surprised that both men had actually agreed with his idea without any protests. Well, Ser Swann usually didn't protest. But Lord Penrose often protested enough for the both of them.

They walked up a few steps on the stairs leading up the tower so that they could be seen by everyone gathered there. Gendry positioned himself a few steps higher than the other two men. He wanted to make it clear that he was the one in charge. And he also wanted to make sure that Lord Penrose didn't tower over him, as he was considerably taller.

"Citizens from King's Landing," he started as he looked out over the gathered crowd, "I'm Lord Gendry Baratheon, the holder of this castle. I'm the one who told you to seek refuge here. And I stand by it. There will be refuge here for you as long as you need it. I have been to the capital and participated in a council making decisions for what is to happen to the burned city and the kingdom. I stand here to tell you about those decisions."

Gendry proceeded to tell the crowd about the new king, about how the North had seceded from the kingdom, and about all other decisions that had been made. Although he knew most commoners didn't care about who sat on the throne. Honestly, Gendry wouldn't have cared himself not long ago. But he figured they still deserved to know.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now