39: Trapped

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Tyrek Lannister was scared. More scared than he had ever been before. Because he didn't want to die. He really really didn't want to die. But there seemed to be no other way out of the situation he was in. He was trapped. Standing on a field outside Highgarden, about to face an army twice the size of his own. With an even bigger army about to come up from behind.

He knew that he and his armies would die right there, where they stood awaiting the coming onslaught. On a green field sprinkled with daisies and clover. Surrounded by lush hills covered in grapevines. With the sun shining down on them. The beautiful surroundings were of no comfort to Tyrek.

The ground trembled as the 10 000 men of the Redwyne army came towards the half as many Lannister men. Tyrek's hands were trembling too, clasping his sword tightly.

As the Redwyne soldiers closed in on them Tyrek raised his sword in the air. 

"For House Lannister!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Hoping that his voice would carry, that it wouldn't break. Trying not to appear to his men like the scared boy he was.

The men behind him screamed as well. They all raised their swords in the air. They would all fight for their lives. Even though this was a battle they couldn't win. Even though it seemed like they all would die within the next few hours.

There had been about a dozen people before Tyrek Lannister in line to be Lord of Casterly Rock and Lord Paramount of the Westerlands. But through war, politics, and circumstance they had all met their demise. And so Tyrek had ended up where he was, leading the Lannister army into a battle they would lose.

Tyrek's father Tygett had died before he was even born and when his mother passed away as well he was taken in as a ward by his uncle Tywin in the capital. There he had become a pawn in the Lannister schemes and games. Tyrek was made a squire of King Robert to give Tywin intel on the king. Then he was married off to a bride way too young to claim her lands. And finally, he was sent off to hold Storm's End. All in the name of House Lannister. Tyrek's destiny was to become a knight, just like his father before him, and to defend his house on the battlefield. Forever a pawn for house Lannister.

Through luck and circumstance, Tyrek had become the head of his house. But he was still a pawn. Now under his cousin Tyrion, the hand of the king. Tyrion had a soft spot for his young cousin as Tyrek's father had always treated Tyrion with kindness. That's why Tyrion had decided to save Tyrek from the Dragon Queen and to rule the Westerlands through his cousin.

Tyrek's role was to look the part of a Lannister, and he certainly looked like one with his blonde curls, green eyes, and pretty smile, and to sire Lannister children that looked just like him. Tyrion seemed to doubt his own ability to sire those children. Tyrek knew his role and he had agreed to play it. There were worse roles to play.

But this was the last day Tyrek Lannister was a pawn. This was the last day he would play that role.

Tyrek had been tricked. He realized that now. Tricked by the king. And so had Paxter Redwyne. They were both pawns in a game they had no idea they were even playing. And they had both walked into traps.

That's why Paxter Redwyne was now held captive by the king's forces. And that's why Tyrek was about to fight a battle he would lose.

It was on Tyrion's orders that Tyrek had marched with his armies to Highgarden. To support the king's armies in trying to take Highgarden from the supposed usurper Paxter Redwyne. When Tyrek had arrived with his forces to Highgarden Lord Redwyne had decided to parlay with Ser Bronn, who commanded the king's forces, since the arrival of the Lannister forces meant Lord Redwyne was outnumbered. But he had already sent a raven to his son-in-law Robin Arryn to come to his aid. And Robin's forces, the Knights of the Vale, were larger than all the forces gathered at Highgarden combined. When Robin came there the battle would be won for Lord Redwyne, both sides knew that. So Lord Redwyne figured he was in a position to negotiate.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now