15: The truth is told

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Once again an army made camp in the Neck. This time it was the Northern armies on their way south towards the capital. Thousands of men, some walking and some on horseback. They seemed battle-torn already.

And once again a young man stepped into the swamp looking for Greywater Watch. Another young man burdened by the legacy of his father. Another young man not knowing which dangers awaited him in the swamp.

Meera saw them arriving from perched high up in a cypress tree. Her usual position for scouting out what was happening in their lands. She could see everything that was going on, but no one could see her as her position was hidden by the branches and leaves of the tree.

She waited until the young man was well away from the camp. Then she approached him, spear first. Better safe than sorry when it came to intruders in the swamp.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" she called out.

He raised his hands in the air. The man had thick curly hair and wore a thick grey fur coat. He looked exasperated with life and the duties it threw at him. Like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He was quite handsome, Meera had to admit that, but looked way to sullen for her tastes. Not the most handsome man to pass through these parts lately.

"I'm Jon Snow, King of the North. I'm looking for Howland Reed. I need to ask Lord Reed something, " he answered.

Meera had heard of Jon Snow before, of course she had, everyone in the kingdom knew of him. But she had never actually met him. He was younger and shorter than she had imagined. Less imposing.

"I'm Lady Meera Reed, Howland is my father. And I don't trust you, Jon Snow. You were supposed to be our ally. But the Dragon Queen wanted to burn us and you didn't stop her. Lord Baratheon told us."

Jon sighed. He probably had hoped that they wouldn't find out about that plan. He also looked slightly confused about who exactly she was talking about, it seemed to take him a while to work it out.

"Of course, Gendry... he told you? That was her plan, yes. I didn't want it... but she's my queen. I couldn't cross her."

"Yes, Lord Baratheon told us about the plan. And it doesn't matter if you wanted it or not. You didn't stop her. You were supposed to protect us."

She thought it odd that Jon wasn't referring to Gendry by his proper title, it seemed disrespectful to her. Sure, Jon was a northerner, but so was she. That didn't make them savages. Proper customs should still be followed. Even in the swamp.

"I'm sorry, Lady Reed. I should have. I should have refused. But as soon as Gendry offered to go here I supported him, I convinced my queen to let him try."

She lowered her spear. But she still didn't trust him. Jon should have refused, but he hadn't. Gendry had saved them, not him. It did seem like Jon regretted not stepping in though. And she'd rather back him than the Dragon Queen, who had actually wanted them to burn.

"What do you need my father for?"

"I need to ask him about something... something my brother told me. I need to know if it's true. I believe Lord Reed knows."

"Bran told you something?"

He nodded, it seemed like it didn't dawn on him until now that she was the one who had helped Bran home. It seemed like a lot of things didn't dawn on Jon until they were dangled right in front of him.

"Of course... you know Bran. So you know what he can do, you know his powers."

She nodded back but hesitated as she did. She didn't know his powers, not his true powers, and she didn't think his family did either. But she couldn't tell Jon that, because she couldn't prove what she knew. All she had was a feeling, a feeling of dread and fright. And she didn't trust Jon. She didn't think that he would believe her over whatever was masquerading as his brother.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now