10: Let me try

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Ser Cortnay Penrose stood on top of one of the watchtowers overlooking the Stormlords camp by the castle of Storm's End. Just like every other day this day was quite uneventful. The stormy sea below the castle was roaring but up by the castle nothing much happened. They had given up actually trying to attack the castle many moons ago and were now just waiting the occupants out. Which would have been a great plan if it wasn't for the Iron Fleet delivering necessities to the castle by water.

They've had the castle under siege for years now, trying to evict the Tyrek Lannister and his forces. But Cortnay knew as well as anyone that Storm's End was no easy castle to take, as the castle had never been taken. Cortnay had held it himself as the castellan for Renly Baratheon. And he had been the one who let Tyrek Lannister and his forces in. The Stormlords had accepted the Lannister forces holding the castle King Joffrey and King Tommen as they both were Baratheons and therefore the legitimate heirs to the castle. But when Tyrek kept holding the castle after they both were dead it enraged the proud and distrustful Stormlords. They allied to take back the castle they considered rightfully theirs from the Lannister occupants.

But the Stormlords were constantly fighting among themselves about who would get to hold the castle once they took it back. Cortnay Penrose had no doubt in his mind though that the castle would be his eventually. As the former castellan, he had the strongest claim to it and he was the person who knew the castle the best. He would be able to defend it better than anyone.

As he stood on the watchtower something caught his eye. Something yellow flapping in the wind. He couldn't quite make out what it was but it looked to be something traveling on the King's Road that led up to the castle. And it came closer and closer to them.

Once Cortnay saw what the yellow flapping was he couldn't believe his eyes. One after another the other Stormlords saw it too. They all stopped what they were doing and just looked. In awe and disbelief. It was the banners of House Baratheon. Flying high and proud in the stormy winds of lands where they belonged.


Gendry had seen the tower of Storm's End for hours, reaching high up in the sky, but now he was finally close. So close that he could hear the waves breaking on the cliffs below it and see the vines of ivy climbing the castle walls.

He didn't feel like a Baratheon yet. He didn't feel ready to do this. But he would pretend he was ready until he actually was. Maybe he would have to pretend for the rest of this life.

As they got close to the Stormlords camp he saw them all gathered by the road. Looking at him. Whispering. Speculating. He felt nauseous as he saw them. Knowing he would have to convince them, impress them, dazzle them. Be someone he wasn't yet.

Devan led the way as they rode up to the center of the Stormlords camp. This was the best place to address them from. The Stormlords all gathered around as Gendry got off his horse. They seemed eager to find out who he was and what he wanted.

At the center of the camp was a small stage that the commanders used to address their men from. Gendry walked up the few steps to the stage. He walked across it and stopped right in the middle of it. He stood there for a moment, taking it all in. Looking at all the men standing there waiting for him to speak. He felt like was going to throw up. His hands were shaking so violently that he was sure that the gathered crowd noticed it.

This was it. No hesitation, no fear, no turning back. This could be where his quest ended. Or this could be where it began.

They were all looking at him. He didn't know their names yet, he didn't know their houses, but he needed them to trust him anyway.

"Greetings Lords of the Stormlands," he started.

He felt like his voice was barely carrying so he took a deep breath before he continued.

The Stag and The Frog - (GendryxMeera GOT fanfic) Part 1: AloneWhere stories live. Discover now