Detroit: Become human AU

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(Tom's POV)
I stood on display, staring out the window watching by passers and customers. My censors brought my attention to a young male with his hair styled in horns— odd.

His eyes were silver and piercing, unlike my voids. He entered the store and was greeted by the owner. He walked to multiple other androids, until he focused on me. Striding over, a smirk formed on his face, showing his rather sharp teeth.

" 'Scuse me? I'd like to purchase—erm..This android." He stated revealing his Norwegian accent, eyes not leaving me.

The owner stood from the small swivel stool and made his way to my platform.
He stood in front of me, made small talk with the customer, who seemed bored and unwilling to the conversation then finally said.

"AX400 register your name." In a British accent then motioned for the customer to state my name.

"Tom." He stared eyes half lidded.

"My name is Tom." I said, a smile never leaving my face.

Next chapter makin' it's way to the eyes of whatever person reading this
..erm..tomorrow probably.
Also AX400 is Kara's number- it was based on her scene cuz I can. Oh wait fam it be 3:03am lol.
Yeetus fleetus fuck off.
Tom tops btw (haha nope past me)

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