What do I do?

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gasp...a chapter? Impossible...(this is after Tord blew up their house and now they live in apartments) thanks for 9k reads btw

(No ones POV)
Tom snored loudly, saliva trickling down his jaw, and his arm twitching in its odd place. Eventually, he jolted awake and wiped away the gross wetness on his face.

"I want bacon..." he said to himself in a deep groggy voice. He dragged himself out of bed and quickly made his way to the kitchen.

He grabbed some frozen bacon and put it in the oven. He went over to his couch as he waited, switching on the T.V.

Tom began making fart noises with his mouth as he flipped through the many uninteresting channels. Then, he heard a knock at his door, he turned his head but didn't stop changing the channels.

"Who's there?!" He hollered, his voice still rough.

"Hey Tom! I need you to look after Ringo for a bit, I'm going to work!" He heard Edd scream back.

"K!" He stood from the couch and opened the door, seeing a small Ringo hop out of Edd's arms.

This wasn't an unusual phenomenon, as Edd rarely could find a sitter for Ringo who wouldn't storm out after yelling at Edd and how the grey fluffy cat had marked all of their belongings and scratched them to hell.

"Have fun, Edd, don't get fired."

"Can't promise anything, Tom." Edd smiled and waved a goodbye as he walked away.

Tom shut his door and scooped up Ringo. The cat had already began to purr and paw at his hoodie strings. He set the cat down on the couch and was about to sit down just as the oven went off.

He raised his eyebrows and had a small smile on his face as he opened the oven. The strong scent flowing throughout the apartment. He put on a navy blue oven mitt and grabbed the hot pan.

His mouth watered at the sight. He grabbed a piece and popped it in his mouth.

"AH OHHHAH HOT HOT!" He fanned his mouth before spitting out the scorching treat. Ringo looked over with an unamused face.

"Don't look at me like that fuzz ball." Tom said with a swollen tongue.

He poked at his tongue before grabbing an ice cube from the freezer and crunching on it for a while. Ringo hopped off the couch and began to rub up against his legs, their tail flicking in delight.

Another knock came from the door.

"Yep?!" Tom hollered out again not taking his eyes off the bacon he was putting on a plate.

"It's Matt! Do you have any bandaids?" Matt whined form the other side of the door.

"No, I think I used all of 'em!"

"Shoot..." he heard Matt say softly "I'm headed to the store then!" He said and walked off quietly.

Tom grabbed the plate and went back over to the couch, staring thoughtlessly in to the bright screen.

He sat there for hours, petting Ringo and eating bacon until there was none left. He sighed and grabbed a pillow from the couch, shoving it under his head and and fluttering his eyes closed. Ringo crawled on his stomach and curled up in a ball. Tom pet his head and then conked out.
Tom woke up to a bang, Ringo's eyes widened. Their pointy ears twitching and fur raising. Tom's eyebrows furrowed as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He stood from the couch and tip-toed over to his door, Ringo following close behind. Tom snatched a bat beside his door and held it shakily. Ready to swing.

TomTord/TordTom oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now