Tord is back again...

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  The average day, Tom woke up and stretched, cringing at his back popping.
He strolled through his apartment getting a frozen meal from the freezer and placing it in the microwave. He yawned and pressed 30 seconds. The microwave soon beeped and he lazily took out the food and sat at his couch, turning on the T.V. He switched through the usual, news, football, cartoons, food network, until he stopped on a good classic. The children. He leaned back and enjoyed the peace.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" He called.

"It's Matt! Edd wanted to know if you wanted to come over to watch the new Return of the Insane Zombie pirates from hell 5!

"Sounds lame...sure." He said standing up and heading back upstairs to put on his sweatshirt and shoes. Once finished he came back down, opened the door to see Matt already gone and made his way to Edd's apartment. He knocked and asked,

"Coming!" Edd shouted from the other side.

The door opened revealing a happy looking Edd holding a Cola with Ringo by his side.

"Come on in." He said and moved so Tom could enter.

"Thanks." Tom said and sat on Edd's couch.


The movie was nearing its end and both Edd and Matt had fallen asleep. Probably having nightmares, but Tom stayed up, head on hand and 'eyes' drooping. He quietly stood and left Edd's apartment back to his own. He closed his door behind him and walked to his room, jumping into bed and slowly closing his eyes. Until he heard a crash downstairs. His eyes opened, white, as he quickly jolted up, and tip toed to where the noise was. A dark figure with devil horns loomed by the fridge.

"Hello Thomas, did I wake you?" Tord said menacingly, snarling slightly.

"Actually yes, yes you did Tord... what the hell are you doing here?! Also why are you not dead?!" Tom ranted slightly.

"Mmm, well that harpoon wasn't exactly strong enough to kill me all the way." He said turning so Tom could see his scars and now robotic arm glowing blue.

"Holy toothpicks and apple slices I did that?!" Tom questioned himself.

"Yes, you did, now, go back to sleep Tommy, I've come for something important." Tord said inspecting the fridge once more.

"In my fridge?" Tom asked stepping closer.

"I said go back to bed." Tord pointed a gun at Tom's head. For a moment Tom forgot who he was talking to.
Tom became defensive.

"No ass hat I'm not! Tell me what your getting!"

"I'm trying to find an invention," Tord sighed and put down the gun, "don't ask why."

"Well now you know I'm going to ask that."

"God dammit Tom you haven't changed at all have you?" Tord stepped toward him.

"What's that supposed to mean Commie?" Tom reaches for a harpoon near him.

"It means your a stubborn Jehovahs Witness that can't do anything on his own." Tord said getting angry.

"Yeah, well at least I didn't betray my friends for some stupid army, you know what I'm not even your friend!" Tom retorted.

"Goodness Tom just mind your business!"

"Your in my apartment! This is my business!"

"Let me get what I want, and I'll leave I promise."

"Last time you promised something you tried to kill Edd, Matt, and I!"

"I won't kill you or Edd or Matt."

"Why? Are you scared?"

"Do you want me to kill you?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Because it does."

"You make no sense."

"You're bothering me Tom."


"Fuck you."

"No fuck you."

"Jævla fitte.."

"What did you just call me?"

"A fucking pussy, why?"

"You little shit!" Tom lunged at Tord, both falling to the ground making a  loud thump. They tussled until Tord was in between Tom's legs pinning his arms down with and aggravated look on his face.

"Get. Off. Me."


"I said get OFF ME." Tom yelled, voice cracking, making Tord snicker.

"Oh yeah you think that's funny asshole?" His voice cracked again.
Tord couldn't hold back a slight wheeze as how hard he was laughing, making Tom laugh at the weird sound until the two were in a laughing fit with tears in their eyes. Soon it died down, and Tord cleared his throat, but a small smile still remained.

"Ok, Thomas, I'll let you go if you leave and go to sleep."

"Sure whatever, but just this once, if you come back I will hurt you though."

"Oh really? Because it seems like I'm stronger right now..."

"You have a fucking robot arm!" Tom laughed lightly.

"Alright, go." Tord stood up and began looking around Tom's apartment once more.

"Just keep the noise down I guess." Tom said going to his room.

Wow that was fun! Idk when I'll get the next Detroit become human AU put up  but here is this one! Yay! Ok bye. (He posted two things in one day?! wOW!)

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