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(No ones POV) (Before Tord came back for the robot.)
    The day was abnormal, though it can't ever not be. The Eddsworld group had just gotten done with another 'adventure'. Edd, Matt, and Tom made their way into the house. Edd smiled happily as Ringo, his cat, meowed a welcome to the three. Matt quickly pulled out his mirror to make sure he still had his beautiful face intact, and Tom. Tom straggled his way in, bruises and cuts littered his skin, accompanied by a black eye. Though, they'd probably disappear tomorrow with the right amount of being drunk and bandaids. They, more or less Tom, had just gotten back from a fight with a mutant spider ravaging the town, which was still on fire.

"So...what now?" Tom tried not to fall.

"We can always get caught up on Mr. What."Edd suggested.

"Edd, all that guy does is throw a 'sonic hammer' around and pretend he's doing something cool." Tom made quotes with his hands.

"But have you seen the new 11th Mr? I like him." Matt budded in with a smile.

"All of them are lame." Tom staggered his way to his room.

"Someone's grumpy..." Matt crosses his arms with a pout.

"He's always grumpy, Matt." Edd walked to the kitchen for a Cola, returning shortly to browse the T.V. Channels.

The rest of the day was peaceful. Tom has finished bandaging his wounds and worked his way to become black out drunk while Edd made bacon and Matt left to buy more mirrors.

"Why are you making bacon? It's basically night already." Tom watched Edd hum and flip the strips of meat.

"I'm hungry and this is the only thing I know how to make...maybe if Tord was here we'd actually have good food." Edd murmured the last part.

"What was that last part?" Tom raised a brow.

"Nothing, just talking to myself." Edd rolled his eyes and took a swig of Cola.

"Whatever." Tom stood and left the kitchen, plopping himself on the couch lazily. He turned on the T.V. and made his way to the News.

"Since when did you watch the news?" Edd called finally taking the bacon off the pan and sliding them onto a plate.

"I don't, just background noise." Tom laid his head back and closed his eyes, waiting for the liquor to kick in.

Edd made his way to a chair beside the couch and stared at the Television. It's was calm and comfortable. That is until-


"Did you give Matt and extra key?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, but he probably lost it." Edd motioned for Ringo to lay on his lap

"I'll get it.." Tom stood.

"Good because I wasn't going to." Edd yawned.

"Matt, you have to stop losing the extra keys we give you." Tom rolled his 'eyes' and opened the door.

"Sorry Tim." Matt swayed in the doorway with five bags, most likely filled with mirrors.

"Just come in already." Tom moved out of the way.

Matt walked in, but Tom lingered at the door, staring into the night, concentrated on something, eyes narrowed.

"What are you looking at?" Edd asked.

"Nothing, thought I saw something." Tom closed the door.

Matt had already wondered off to his room, admiring himself again. Tom made his way back to the couch and closed his eyes again. Edd finished his bacon, stood, and walked to the kitchen to put his plate in the sink.

"I'm headed off to my room, don't burn down the house." Edd closed his bedroom door after Ringo pranced inside.

"Coolio..." Tom slurred, taking a gulp of his beloved Smirnoff.

As he neared the end of his bottle, he strutted to the kitchen to grab a few more.

He tried to get comfortable, though failed and finally gave up.


He ignored the sound, thinking Edd or Matt made the noise.


Tom brushed it off again as his imagination, being drunk and all...

𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠

'Am I going insane?' he thought, walking to the door and looking through the peephole.

"Nothing..." he said to himself and waddled back over to the couch dizzily. He sat and closed his eyes again.


Tom tried to ignore it.


He stood angrily and stomped to the door. He swung it open, harsh.

"I SW-" he began.

"Sh." Came a quiet voice.

As soon as he heard it, it was gone. Out of nowhere.

"What..." Tom stared blankly into the night. The sound of crickets and other night creatures filling the air. It was cool, and the breeze welcomed him.

   He stepped deeper into the blackness and closed the door behind him.

HA! Cliff hanger... next chapter soon-I'm fucking done with Wattpad dude. I wrote the last half of the story twice because it was like "nah we aren't going to save all your hard work...pfft" so yay. Thanks for reading      words-809

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