Detroit: become human AU pt 3

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(3rd person) (nobody's POV)
It had been a few days of Tom living in the home of Tord, Edd, and Matt. He mostly cleaned but also took care of the people who lived there. Though on this night, Tord left for quite some time, intriguing Tom.

"Where had Tord gone, Edd?" Tom asked as Edd came downstairs.

"Oh..he went out to drink."

"Ah, to become frivolous?"

"What does that mean."

"Frivolous: (adjective) carefree and not serious."

"Oh..yeah that."

"When will he be returning?"

"I'm not sure, probably around 12:00 I'd assume." Edd stated as he sat down on the couch."

"Okay, thank you, Edd."

"No problem."

Tom did his regular chores. Then after Edd and Matt left to sleep, Tom waited to make sure Tord came home safe. He stood near the door, his LED lighting up blue on his temple. Though as it reached 1:45am he became slightly nervous and his LED became yellow. But right as he was about to go out side, Tord busted his way through the door. Intoxicated and with a hard-on.

"Tord, you should not stay out as long as you did. Your health could be in serious need. Especially since you are so...drunk."

"You dunno ssshit...heh." He slightly stumbled to the stairs his face a light red and his eyes half lidded.

"Do you need help getting upstairs?"


"An answer please."

"Yeah...sure..." he said, grabbing onto the railing.

Tom walked over to Tord and grabbed his hand and back, pulling him up.

"*hic*...I need th-the toilet...umph." Tord groaned.

"Yes, sir." Tom said leading the way.

Tord day on his knees next to the toilet and threw up all previous meals.

"Bleh...gross." Tord rolled his eyes.

"I will get you a wet towel. I'll be back. Do not go anywhere." Tom said shutting the bathroom door.

He made his way downstairs wetting a cloth and making sure the temperature was correct. He then proceeded to find correct medicine, taking him a minute as he was still slightly new to the home.
Soon, he felt arms slither around his waist and a head rest in the crook of his neck.

"Hello~ Tom...." Tord purred into Tom's ear. Tom's LED turned yellow again as his 'eyes' panned over to the drunken Tord.
Tom did not respond as Tord began to lick and suck on his neck. Tord's hands began to unbuckle Tom's pants. At this point Tom's sensors were out of control. Tord, still drunk, pulled Tom's pants down. Surprisingly, the creators would also put a cock on a robot. Odd. Non the less Tord rubbed Tom through his trousers. He began unbuckling his own pants. He bent Tom over the counter and pulled their underwear down. Without prep, not that Tom would need it, Tord bottomed out into Tom. Tom moaned, and shut his 'eyes' tightly.

"T-Tord, I recommend you, st-ahhh~p" Tom tried to speak.

"No." Tord said deeply into Tom's ear. He began biting his neck until blue blood oozed from the puncture. He thrusted hard into Tom, making him whine out and shiver slightly. Tom's LED glowed a flashing red. He tried to move to only have his arms pinned behind his curved back held by Tord.

"Mmm, Tord? I heard a lot of n-" Edd walked down the stairs rubbing his eye.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted and started at Tord.

"Well, you see Edd...I have no *hic* excuse."

"'re drunk." Edd said disappointed.

"Pffft no...well..actually *hic* yes."

Tom made an uncomfortable noise.

"Why are you fucking the house robot?" Edd said, placing hands on hips, still disoriented at the sight in front of him.

"We have a r-robot?" Tord said.

"*exasperated sigh*....yes Tord...we have a robot." Edd stated pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.

"Whoops." Tord said pulling out of Tom. Slowly.

"Go to bed ass hat."

"Nah, imma stay up." Tord said walking to the living room.

"Er, Tom are you okay?" Edd said now looking worried.
Tom looked over to Edd, eyes wide and body shivering.

"I'll take that as yes." Edd said and left.

Tom fell to his knees, then stood up, gathering his clothes and placing them on carefully. He looked over to Tord to see him passed out on the couch.

He sighed and went to go charge or whatever they did at night.
Swiggity swooty I wanna die. Wowie idk imma do one more chapter prob and then I'll be done. Next chapter coming soon. Also! Happy holidays!🎄 or not to whenever your reading this.

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