A/N holy fucc again

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First off noice.. also WHY DO READ THIS BOOK?! It's literal trash...but I have over 200 reads rn and I'm going insane....thank you thank you thank you, non of u give a fuck about these A/Ns but I don't care, I need to let my happiness out somehow and WHAT?!!?
👁👄👁🤙🏻 I have a show coming up, so I've  been at school until 6:00 at night then doing a bunch a homework..fun...so that's my excuse for not updating, we've been working since September I believe and our opening NiGhT IS TOmORrOW ...I'm a piece of grass :D... wow....we're doing Lion King junior..basically a group of sad prepubescent teens singing their hearts out while almost tripping over themselves. Thank you again! K I'll stop ranting lol.

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