Coffee Shop (smut)

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(No ones POV)
     It was late, and Tord, who worked at 'Del-a Coffee' was cleaning off tables. He had taken the job as a recommendation from his friends Edd and Matt who work the day shift. The sky was dark and this was a 24 hour shop, though no one seemed to come in this late for coffee except the occasional teens.

   There was an open spot for a second worker for the night shift so Tord didn't have to work alone. Tord enjoyed his alone time, but sometimes it became boring.


  The door's small bell did it's usual jingle to alert when someone came in.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Tord said, a fake smile resting on his face.

"I heard there was an opening?" The voice answered.

"Ah yes, if you'll just write your name here we will call you if-"

"Quit with the bullshit. Just let me help out tonight, and we'll be on good terms."

"Uh...isn't that illegal?" Tord raised an eyebrow.

"I don't care." The man grumbled, walking to the other side of the counter.

"What's you're name?" Tord asked.

"Thomas- but call me Tom." He demanded.

'Jeez this guy's insane.' Tord thought to himself.

  As if Tom read what he just thought, he glared at him, his pure black eyes having no shine.

'Holy shit that's freaky.' Tord looked away.

Just then, a group of drunken teenagers stumbled into the shop.

"Uhhhhhhhh...hehehehe.....waterrrr.. gimme gimme..ha." One of them slurred, using the counter to help him stand.

"Sure, that'll be £1.54" Tord smiled again. Tom stood at the other side of the counter, using another persons apron with a sticky note on it labeled Tom.

"Mmmm- boom there ye...yeah goooo" They slapped a card on the table. Tord swiped it and gave it back to the male.

"Just one second." Tord turned around getting the cup of water, turning back around to see Tom took his place and was taking another teens order.

"Water!" Tord said for the male to come get.

"Thank...." was all the man said and scrambled out the door.

Eventually, everyone had left and Tom and Tord were left alone once more.

"So, Tord, how long have you been here." Tom asked, finally, kind of, warming up to Tord.

"Only a few months, it was a recommended job."

"By who?" Tom questioned.

"Ah, my friends." Tord leaned against the counter.

"Wish I had those." Tom joked.

"Ha. Funny." Tord said, laughing at his sarcasm.

Tord checked his watch. 1:34am.

"It's mighty late. What made you want to apply at this hour?"

"Just got fired and I can't let my girlfriend know I lost another job." Tom sighed.

"Damn, what's you girlfriends name?"

"Laurel, she's cool. She has awesome blue hair," Tom smiled, "but...I don't know."

"Don't know what?" Tord asked, curious.

"I don't know if I like her as a friend or not." Tom seemed on edge now. A bead of sweat falling down his cheek.

"Did you just lie?" Tord smirked.

"No." Tom stared at Tord.

"Hm." Tord rolled his eyes, smirk unchanging.

"Ok fine, because I don't want you to assume things...   Ithinkimightbegaybutifimhonestidontknowanditsreallyfreakingmeoutnotgoingtoliebutidontknowyouknow?" Tom ranted, words spluttered together.


"I think...I'm gay."

"Oh...if it makes you feel any better one of my friends is gay- and I think the other one is but in denial." Tord laughed.

"Any advice?" Tom asked, extremely nervous.

"Any close friend guys?"

"Like I said earlier, wish I had friends." Tom cracked his knuckles.

"The idea that just popped in my head makes me...I'm not sure." Tord said looking astray from Tom's face.

Tom's eyes widened.

"You mean."

"If you're cool with it."

"...I guess?"

"This is...awkward."


"Should we just-"

"Do it?"



They stepped closer to each other, the tension in the air was sickening.

"I guess just..." Tom said, placing his hand on Tord's waist. He leaned down and softly pecked Tord in the mouth.

Both leaned back in, the second kiss much more heated then the first. Tom pinned Tord against the side of the counter. Tom quickly plunged his tongue into Tord's mouth. His piercing rubbing along with it. Tom pulled away only to move down to Tord's neck. Biting in one specific spot, leaving a dark purple mark.

He pulled away to see a flustered, half lidded Tord.

"Ah shit...sorry." Tom apologized for the mark.

"'s fine." Tord raised both his hands.

Would you like a part 2 to this? Please leave comment if so. Also, I have another book about The Eddsworld gang in highschool. It's only got two parts so far but I'd love your support on that too. Thank. Have a good day/night/afternoon. yay. Oh well I guess this isn't actually smut- false alarm!

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