Detroit: Become human AU pt 2

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(Toms POV)
The owner realized something after a moment of staring and tapped the customer on the shoulder.

"Sir, you do know this android has no eyes? If you'd like I could fix i-"

"No...keep it like this." He retorted

"Ok..uh...well if you come over here to pay I'll let you be on your way." The owner scratched his head.

The customer just hummed and followed him to the counter. Me following. Standing beside the customer, I studied him, trying to identify who he may be...but I found nothing. This man is a possible murder or a fugitive on the run. But why would he risk getting an android? The man gave payment and ushered me to follow him to his car. I analyzed the vehicle, and decided to make small talk.

"A red Aston Martin Vanquish— early 2000's model...what a beautiful car." I stated.

He hummed and entered the car, me getting in the passenger seat. I was immediately hit with a strong odor of cologne and cigar smoke with a hint of alcohol.

"Smoking isn't good for you, you know? Would you like me to hel-"

"No I'll be just fine, thank you." He cut me off, voice sickeningly sharp.

I stayed silent for the rest of the time. I glanced at the man, still unknowing of his name, though his heart rate calmed and his breathing slowed, showing that his anger had passed— but I still noticed high levels of stress.

He pulled into his driveway. It was a pristine mansion. Large and white as stereotypical as it gets to be honest.

 Large and white as stereotypical as it gets to be honest

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We walked into the house, a nice homey feeling in it. Though I noticed ash trays throughout the house and a few scattered cans of Cola.

"Edd, Matt! I'm home!" He called.

Two young males came down the stairs with smiles. But soon they fell to a confused frown.

"You got one of those things?" One of the males whispered. I kept my emotionless face.

"Yes, Edd, this is Tom...we need to clean up this place somehow and seeing as none of us will do it, I got this, not like we're going to be wasting our money."

"Tord, just because you get paid a lot doesn't mean you should just toss it willy-nilly all over the place! Also those things have been becoming deviants!" Edd become slightly frustrated.

"Relax Edd, if it does I'll take care of it. And I doubt it will."

"Hi! So what do you do?!" I'd assume Matt asked me, avoiding Tord and Edd's conversation. At least I know his name now.

"I am programmed to do anything you tell me to do." I said monotonous.

"Really?!" He gasped. " Get me more mirrors!" He shouted, happy nonetheless.

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