Tord is back again...(pt 2)

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(No ones POV)
    Tom went to sleep last night regretting his decision to leave Tord alive. He tossed and turned until light streamed in and ruined his eye sight.
He stood slowly, eye bags more pronounced then usual. He plopped to his living room, running a hand through his messy hair and shivered at the cold air.

"Flipping heater....not working...stupid..." he grumbled, quickly walking back to his room and back for his sweatshirt.

"God morgen." Came a voice.

"'Morning Tord" he yawned, "wait TORD?!" He did a double take.

"Keep your voice down people are sleeping still." Tord sipped his already made coffee.

"Wha-......did you stay here all night?" Tom asked easing an eye brow.

"Mhm, I couldn't find what I was looking for and I needed to continue but I was tired, and I slept, so if I never left I can't come back right? So I'm not breaking any rules."

"Um, NO, actually." Tom stepped closer to Tord who was scrolling threw his phone, mug in the other.

Tom inspected the mug.

"Is that my 'dont mug me' mug?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, whoops." Tord laughed it off.

"You little- never mind. Get out of my house before I kill you."

"Nah, I'm gonna stay for a bit, my original motel burned down last night."

"Did you- did you burn it down?"

"Me? Pfft, no." Tord said awkwardly.

"I don't trust you."

"I trust me."

"That doesn't help dumb ass." Tom rolled his 'eyes'.

"Knock knock!" Came Matt's voice from behind Tom's door.

"Uh oh...fucking hide!" Tom whisper shouted at Tord.

"Shit." Tord bolted for Tom's room.

"Come in?" Tom asked.

"No, you're supposed to say who's there!" Matt shouted happily.

"Who's there?" Tom sighed bored.


"Luke who?"

"Luke through the peephole and find out!"

"Matt, just come in."

"Awww ok." He entered with Edd following behind.

"Hey Tom." Edd said with a smile.

"Who's that?" Matt asked, "also, hey Tim!"

"What do you guys want?"

"We were gonna head down to the arcade and wondered if you wanted to come."

"No thanks I've got something to..take care of." Tom paused.

"Um...ok? Bye see you." Edd waved.

"Bye have fun or whatever." Tom closed his door.

"Hahaaaa." Tom hears Tord laughing in his room.

"What are you laughing at?" Tom snarled.

"Knock knock..." Tom could practically hear his smirk.

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