Fighting pt 2 (lemon)

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(no ones POV)
Tom woke up first, he sat up and rubbed his 'eyes'. He looked around to take in his surroundings. The memories of the club and last night came back to him. His head jolted to look at Tord, sleeping peacefully beside him. As if he knew he was being watched, Tord opened his eyes and looked directly at Tom.

"God morgen..." Tord said as he yawned.

Tom just hummed and stood, quickly pulling on his pants, shirt, and sweatshirt.

"What the rush?" Tord said getting up also.

"I don't want Edd to worry about us, you know how he gets." Tom quickly said.

"Ah, right." Tord said getting ready also. Tom and Tord both checked their phones, to see at least 40 messages to them from Edd.

"Uh oh." Tom said and rushed out the door.

"Oi wait a minute!" Tord said buttoning his jeans while running out the door after Tom.

Tord caught up with Tom and slowed to his pace. Tom stopped running soon and slowed to a fast walk, so did Tord, making sure not to lose Tom.

"Jeez, I didn't even have time to wake up." Tord said, rubbing his eye.


"You're quiet this morning, what's up?" Tord asked.

"Nothing I'm fine." Tom grunted.

"Awwww do you have the grumpy wumpies?" Tord said pouting his lip.

"Shut up ass hat." Tom retorted.

"Boo hooo! I didn't get enough beauty rest last night! Oh dear!" Tord made a big scene, pissing Tom off more.

"Did you not hear me you def fuck? I said SHUT IT!" Tom yelled harshly into Tord's face.

"Actually you said shut up." Tord snickered.

"Do you think this is funny?" Tom stated.

"Kinda yeah...heh," Tord said beginning to laugh, "w-wait no I don't know what's FUNNY HAHA! Why am I laughing?!" Tord said a giant smile on his face.

"Fuck..he- youuhhuhuuuuu" Tom couldn't help but laugh at the insane man next to him.

"Stop stop oh mY GAHHh..." Tord wheezed.

"HA....." Tom covered his mouth, they stopped walking as their laughing continued. Tord fell to the ground as Tom cried from how hard he was laughing.

"Ok..OK...ok ok ok....stop shut UP!" Tom tried to calm himself and Tord down.

"Why we're we laughing again?" Tord asked standing with a smile.

"I don't know...I don't think there was a reason." Tom smiled back.

"We probably look insane.." Tord said pinching the bridge of his nose with a chuckle.

"Yeah..." Tom rubbed his face, and started walking again.

-(time skip to when they are back at the Eddsworld home.)

"You open it."

"No you!"

"No fuck that I'm not getting hug-" Tom was cut off by Edd opening the door.

"OH thank goodness you guys are back holy mother of- are you guys okay? I thought Tord might've killed you or something, Jesus, okay okay, Tord come here! I know it was an even worse idea to put you two together alone, i was mad, I needed you out of the house okay okay, come in, gosh, are you guys ok? Really? Like no body is hurt? No scratches, bite marks, gun wounds?" Edd ranted like the mom character he is.

TomTord/TordTom oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now